Without wanking, which verse is honestly stronger?

Without wanking, which verse is honestly stronger?

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Twin Peaks

DC has gods
Marvel has heroes

but marvel is the one with a literal god right there

Most of DC characters are godlike creatures while most of marvel are "just" strong humans with special gear.


>Most of DC characters are godlike creatures
DC has more street level vigilantes than Marvel, maybe 2-3 times as many.

DC is gods trying to be men
Marvel is men trying to be gods

Hella deep

Marvel is largely heroes with well defined powers.
DC is largely heroes with "lulz whatever" powers and powercreep.

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Or to put it another way:
DC Spider-Man would be able to tap into the Aracho Force and lift skyscrapers
Marvel Superman would be able to life 3x as much as calm Hulk, or about 300 tons. (basically Count Nefaria)

Hulk is literally said to have infinite strength and gets his power from the Gamma Devil

Also spider man does get has powers from some spider deity and can fuck with the web of time


Like without all the cosmic/magic god shit like Endless/pre retcon Beyonder/Lucifer etc?

Kinda hard to say but marvel does have more casual reality warpers that actually warp reality because why not. Zatanna and Alan Scott are the only ones that come to mind for DC and it was a literal crisis when Zatanna wiped some villains minds and Alan's entire character is knowing to not do that shit.

>Zatanna and Alan Scott are the only ones that come to mind for DC
Jenny Quantum
Captain Atom
Doctor Fate
Green Lanterns "when the story calls for it"
that's off the top of my head.

And Spectre when he's not in Full Job mode.

Does Jenny Q even exist anymore

So never?

I'd say DC, since their magic users don't have upper limits.


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I feel like marvel is better at overcoming obstacles when they actually stop being terrible people and work together

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>one of the avengers is a literal god
>one of the justice league is a regular human

No, whenever he's fatally harassing meaningless mobsters and mooks he can pretty much do whatever the fuck he wants to reality.

>Harley Quinn
>hero and soon-to-be JLer.

All of marvel's "heroic" telepaths are sociopaths.

DC's high tier goes higher than Marvel's high tier. Shuma Gorath wouldn't be able to do his shit in a multiverse that has the Endless, for example.
But Marvel has the more interesting mid-tier, I think.
Also this because of cardinality shit.

Damn faggot, are you still mad about Bobby being gay? Fucking shut up.

>All of marvel's "heroes" are sociopaths

>>one of the justice league is a regular human

DC because that was established in JLA/Avengers, Quicksilver was amazed at going faster with the Speed Force and Scarlet Witch found the magic there was even more powerful.

Literally every DC hero has a "one bad day" alt timeline where they go full dictator/psychopath/world ending villain. The major heroes have multiple tales of this happening.

>DC's high tier goes higher than Marvel's high tier.
DC has never had a character who got power wanked to an autistic extent like Starlin did to Thanos.

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Empty Hand

Has the empty hand appeared in more than a single page of a comic book?


Funny, because no one posts but the one page with him sitting.

>making judgements of characters off alt timelines
DC elseworlds are not the same as Marvel's what if...'s