He's looking at that one girl's breast
when is superman fighting chicoms?
>mos supes
Nice bait thread OP, I guess the next step in your plan is to wait for controversial opinions to get posted and then report them Eh?
also superman
>controversial opinions to get posted
Like that time where several anons said that sailor moon would beat superman?
Why are all of you so desperate to ruin Yas Forums?
Amazing that people go to work to earn big paychecks with a 0.01% or so chance of dying over the next couple years.
i can't wait for the official DC/Marvel "these people are the true heroes" comic like with the 9/11 ones.
>Doom in front a hospital
>tears down his face
>also he's clapping
how many super scientists could find a cure?
then again, how would lex luthor profit off of this, or fuck with the supply chain
Yas Forums is one of the boards that isn't filled with immediate wojaks/pepes/political shit because mods remove them and users rebel against them and this UPSETS them
That's why they are the ones who say "Yas Forumsmblr" because they hate people want to discuss shit that isn't politics
> p-pwease buy our comics guys, we care, honest!
Isn't this a reference to that thing they did for 9/11?
>no wojaks/pepes/political (hardly)
>instead waifufags, SUfags, tumblrites, and trannies.
Woo hoo
This. Why hasn't Superman freed the Chinese from the oppressive tyrants of the CCP?
What breast? She's as flat as a wall.
Yas Forumsmblr is the laughing stock of all of Yas Forums.
Nobody outside of Yas Forums capeshitters know or care about Yas Forums.
ah yes, doctors and nurses should be praised and worshipped as heroes for doing their jobs. God i fucking hate retards who draw this kind of garbage. I can only pray corona kills us all. Fucking retarded ass planet filled with fucking retarded brainlet faglords
If you see any board collaborative stuff like 4cc you'd know this isn't true. Oftentimes the board is noted for openly mocking sjw trends and other boards get far more hate
It's literally known to only be your /r/thedonald circle upset at this board
Posts like this are why Yas Forumsmblr is the laughing stock of Yas Forums.
Nah you are lad, you're trying to make Yas Forums into your own safespace
Everyone knows you fags and you've been the laughingstock of Yas Forums for 5 years now
>TFW you remember Yas Forumsumblr steals all of Yas Forums's memes from Yas Forums properties like Bane
>Oftentimes the board is noted for openly mocking sjw trends
Yas Forums is the only board that has enough of an SJW infestation to mock.
>i'm voting for trump because he doesn't care about political correctness
choose one
I think I'll blame the CCP for unleashing their bioengineered virus on the world, you dumb tranny.
>If they get any compensation for doing a dangerous job it's suddenly not worth any praise
Yeah like the firefighters and policemen on 9/11. They're just doing their job, who cares.
Yas Forums is actually closer to tumblr than Yas Forums but your general premise of Yas Forums stealing from others is accurate
From every congregation of different boards I've seen this isn't the case, again it's only fags like you upset you can't spam off-topic politics instead of getting a life
That seems to be a you problem tranny
>le bioengineer superweapon meme
Isn't that even more of a reason Trump should have had a more aggressive response against the virus if it's actually a foreign weapon? You're basically admitting Trump doesn't care about a foreign attack on US soil.
Choose one.
I don't give a shit about Trump, Zhang.
Yas Forums is a massive safe space so they are closer to tumblr then here
not larping along to your victim complex whining is the real reason user, everyone with half a brain knows it.
Not really sure who you think you're going to fool here famalam.
This is probably true though.
But in Latveria because he sealed the borders. To everyone, in and out, no exceptions.
Call me oldschool, but Yas Forums and Yas Forums remain worse.
Economic collapse.
Social responsibility.
Golems don’t function in red China.
Yas Forums has better comic threads than we do.