ITT: Yas Forums waifus

ITT: Yas Forums waifus

Thread Rule: No waifus below the age of 18

Attached: harley.png (654x695, 399.35K)

>nuharley waifu
>not b:tas harley
Sorry kid, must be 18 to post here

Boooo you suck

>Thread Rule: No waifus below the age of 18

That's pretty much just asking for it.

Fuck off pedos

What about waifus who would be at least 18 if they aged in real time since their last appearance, even if in that they were under?

ok schizo
have fun not differentiating reality from fiction

>Thread Rule: No waifus below the age of 18

Garbage thread bye

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she is clearly 18

Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 9.32K)

Did-did you just confirm that you're under 18?

These thighs save lives

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You really drive home how much of an excuse it is by throwing the "muh fiction" line at any pushback.

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Dats a qt lapis

reminder that harley is nearly forty in this series

you just admitted to being underage

fuck your rules
op is a fag

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A lot of 14 year olds have those thighs in my country. I don't know what you're talking about.

Post moar

jess is a teenager with a mind of a 35 years old woman, so, I guess it's ok

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I bet her tears are mountain dew liberty brew

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Fuck you

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Attached: babydoll.jpg (640x480, 47.14K)

gotta love the woman who does justice to latex catsuits

Attached: the_baroness_by_aditya777-d312feo.jpg (600x900, 132.02K)
