Did Disney already cancel it?

Did Disney already cancel it?

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More of a failure to renew.

Its like 4 years old move on


Update yourself, OP, this is the new show.

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Do people actually care about anything this guy makes?
I mean phineas and pherb was mildly entertaining background noise I guess but people actually antispate more stuff from him genuinely?

Don't think they directly cancelled it but they are doing P&F now and are pitching a new pilot without any real sight of going back so it's pretty much cancelled
This was an April fools prank by someone

Did anyone watch this fap and just leave/close the tabs

Yeah, they're making a new show.

Sure, plenty of people get hyped about cute goofy cartoons even if they don't have "deepest lore."

>This was an April fools prank by someone
That's a weirdly specific prank, huh.

This show wanted to be a story focused show rather than an episodic, slice of life show revolving around an optimistic, unlucky kid. It was doomed to fail by design

they put it on the wrong channel

it'd probably be in season 5 by now if it was pitched to Nick

Yes, especially with the way that Dan is talking about how you should watch it on Disney Plus to increase the chances of a new season. Honestly I think Legend of the Three Caballeros has a better shot of getting another season at this point. At this point it's basically unofficially cancelled and maybe like 6 months to a year from now it will be officially cancelled, which is a shame but at this point you might as well just let it go and move on.
PnF + MML threads usually are pretty active whenever they get posted.

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There was only 3 good episodes in this show. The lallma incident and the 2 pistachion king eoisodes

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Also king pistachion look a little like ultron from avengers

I guess the crew are busy on producing phineas and ferb season 5

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Milo hasn't been explicitly cancelled but it hasn't been renewed. Disney are leaving it in limbo. The only other notable show they're doing this to is Ducktales, otherwise it's all Disney Junior shows that are in this situation.

I love Phineas and Ferb, but I thought they'd given it a suitable ending.

Melissa Chase with HUGE tits

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It's been in limbo since last year

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Attached: ZaLissa _ Melissa x Zack __ Milo Murphy's Law __ By Imaginashon (Tumblr).png (1118x1256, 295.35K)

Dan and Swampy are making a new pilot so probably not

They should've made it episodic-only. Tom and Jerry except with Cavendish, Dakota, and Milo

Isn't it still ongoing?

PnF is basically the SpongeBob of Disney

>it's basically unofficially cancelled and maybe like 6 months to a year from now it will be officially cancelled
Has any other Disney cartoon met a similar fate?

>she didn't stay this way
What the FUCK?

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Ash depicted her hair as wildly wavy. She made a comic where Zack braided her hair, only for it to bounce back.