Quagmire did nothing wrong

Quagmire did nothing wrong.

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the 'you suck' speech should always remain a daydream.
telling someone you hate all the reasons you hate them is never not a mistake.

I mean, he is a confirmed rapist. Pretty sure raping a tied up high school cheerleader counts as ‘doing something wrong’.

Nah. Everything he said about Brian was correct. What was wrong with this speech is that Quagmire is hypocritical for saying it as he's a far worse person than Brian

>inb4 Brian fucked a 15 year old

He didn't do it purposefully

Fictional characters dont make actions, they merely follow them.

I cant stop thinking about the ep where quagmire almost went to jail for satoury rape

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>Quagmire did nothing wrong.

He's a rapist.

I mean, he sort of did it in a super public place. That's a social convention faux pas. He did that wrong at the bare minimum.

the writers were wrong for treating family guy like a serious soap opera.

That was just roleplay to fulfill that womans rape fantasy. Quagmire is an unselfish lover that way.

>Brian fucked a 15 year old
>He didn't do it purposefully
To be fair he's a dog. Isn't he like 8 or 9? I know Dog Years and all but still. Also He's a fucking dog. I have more of an issue with someone fucking a dog than said dog fucking an underage girl.

But I also am of the opinion that Brian just has meaningless sex based relationships because he already fell in love with the woman who is more like what you'd expect him to be attracted to, then she died.

thread reminder that quag has fucked/tried to fuck everyone of his friends wifes and even children.

>Isn't he like 8 or 9?

13. Also, the age of consent in Rhode Island is 16 and nobody in Quahog seems to mind a (talking) dog dating and/or fucking the locals so at the end of the day it's unlikely Brian is going to get in much -if any- trouble.

But he knows so that makes it ok.

>telling someone you hate all the reasons you hate them is never not a mistake.
Sounds like you're speaking from experience. Care to elaborate? This has never really been the case for me.

Brian tried fucking two high-school girls once, but failed.

It's not that the speech is wrong per say just that they had the wrong person give it. Have Joe or Cleveland do it

Glen Quagmire is a rapist and a murderer!

They're both horrible of course, but Quagmire is way more self aware than Brian. Plus the writers have spent a lot of time fleshing out his positive aspects.

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And a pedophile.

>Plus the writers have spent a lot of time fleshing out his positive aspects.
>Family Guy writers
>fleshing out anything

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They've fleshed out how much they hate Jews and trannies, that's for sure.

>nobody in Quahog seems to mind a (talking) dog dating and/or fucking the locals
>They all look at each other and say "You just know"

What was even the point of that episode

Brian fucked Stewie, that just as bad if not worst than fucking a 15 year old. I dare say that he's worst than Quagmire.

I love this scene for so many different reasons.

I love how Quagmire, who is guilty of probably every sex crime we have a law for, is also an accomplished airline pilot, a good friend, and (what we learn from this scene) he doesn't just bitch about how the world SHOULD be, he's actually fucking doing something about it (working in a soup kitchen).

I love how he can actually be both those things because, spoiler alert, that's how a lot of people are in real life. The perfect example would be Bill Cosby. He did an insane amount of good in his life...when he wasn't being a serial rapist.

As for Brian, he's literally the other side of the coin. Talks about being good while actually doing the exact opposite. This is why they simply can't get along.

It's also what makes the final scene so much better. Because Quagmire literally beats the FUCK out of Brian (winning through his actions), but Brian's final words are "Hey Quagmire, I fucked your dad" (winning through his words).

>It's also what makes the final scene so much better. Because Quagmire literally beats the FUCK out of Brian (winning through his actions), but Brian's final words are "Hey Quagmire, I fucked your dad" (winning through his words)
that's a different episode you retard

>actively tried to seduce Lois that one episode
Yeah I'm thinking he might [Spoiler]based [Spoiler]

>but Quagmire is way more self aware
That's even worse because that means Quagmire knows what he is doing, but doesn't care to change.

I don't know.
Make me not want to watch it anymore I guess?

i hated both characters at that point. Brian changed since after S3, but Quagmire started having feelings which were a contrast to his devil-may-care attitude