Sony's SILVER & BLACK Might Become A Disney+ Series

Would you watch it, Yas Forums?

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To be honest, as a big Spider-Man fan. No. You would have to do a lot of stuff to convince me otherwise to let two characters which one needs Spidey to work and a B-List villain for the web slinger to butt heads with. Sony needs to learn that not every Spider-Man character cannot work on it's own. God help me if they do an Aunt May or Madem Web series.


No way to do this and actually be faithful to source, not that I believed they would try to be faithful to the source.

No, because there's a 98.9% chance they cast two butterface womyn with no tits and cover them in tacticool outfits and the whole thing is about women supporting women and all the men are useless fucks.

I mean christ, two white women with white hair in skintight catsuits? you really think that would make it to screen in this cultural climate?

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Why the hell would you even bother? This dicing up Spider-Man material to be its own universe is fucking dumb.

Doing a solo Venom film without history with Peter was stupid
Doing a Kraven movie where he doesn't hunt The Spider is stupid
And doing a Black Cat series with, you guessed it, no history/romance with Peter is fucking stupid.

Marvel doesn't have the balls to do Felicia

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>Sony show

Sony? Does of one of them get killed with a golf club?

They'll make Black Cat actually black, lol.

I would rather watch a Silver Sable series than any movie Marvel has made
I just want to watch hot girls shooting shit and being badass

They're in bed together now.

Why does it have to be a series? Why can't Marvel do Disney+ movies?


This whole idea is another one of those things that I feel like is actually benefiting from COVID shutdown. I sincerely doubt anyone was actually working on the Silver Sable/Black Cat project, now they have the benefit of no one questioning it.

Guaranteed. Dead on arrival.


>censored, female empowerment garbage that has nothing to do with the original source material
nope, only Yas Forumsbmlr cucks would watch censored sjw garbage and defend it

>Would you watch it, Yas Forums?
depends on the cast and the costumes, mostly

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Just watch porn.

> Would you watch it, Yas Forums?

Disney+ doesn't even have the balls to do Gargoyles, Kim Possible or even Arielle without cutting/neutering it. Why even bother?

Black Cat is kind of the character I never want to see on screen because
1) They'll fuck up the casting
2) If they don't fuck up the casting, they DEFINITELY will fuck up the costume.
3) Thousands of nerds will complain about it
4) Millions of big SJW websites and twitter users will say how nerds need to grow up and accept their new Black Cat, editing rose crowns on the live action Black Cat, and on and on and on...

It's just going to be the worst.

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>director not involved in the project says some shit

lmfao, she doesn't know anything, and no that will never happen because it's Sony, this deal between them and Disney won't last so there's no reason to do this

Don't care
Make Caballeros season 2

>Might Become A Disney+ Series
We know exactly what will happen

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What are you doing here?
Comics are like that men and women are hot and fit as fuck, if you don't understand that I think snowflake and safespace are the ideal comics for you

>1) They'll fuck up the casting
there was a rumor that they were thinking about this actress to play felicia hard

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Good. I'm sick of characters being whitewashed. Fucking racists.

I don't see the point. Disney+ shows are presumably for the mass audience and without Spider-Man, most of them would see Black Cat as indistinguishable from Catwoman. The same crowd has no idea who Silver Sable is.

I honestly do not understand the appeal of pairing up Silver Sable and Black Cat

Black and white are complementary colors.