Would you punch her in the boobs?

Would you punch her in the boobs?

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maybe this will be watchable once Faust leaves.

Maybe the art will be good once Faust leaves.

How do I get a Kara gf?

If I punch you in a real fight it's in the chin.
If I punch you as a flirt it's in the tit.
If we're having sex I slap you on the ass.

I'd break my knuckles.

I'd punch her in the asshole with my dick if you know what I mean.

i'd wreck my hand but her face is so punchable.

Her nips could probably cut diamonds.

>"I slapped my girlfriend the other day."
>"I mean I slapped her in the ass during sex."
>"LOL oh nevermind that's hot."

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OK? Those aren't the same thing

I want her to punch me dead in the sternum and kill me

To her, it would be like kicking her in the nuts. She will probably rip your head off.

Slapping a girl's ass is technically "slapping a girl". I just find it funny that slapping a girl is considered this terrible thing UNLESS you're slapping the ass.

Then it's okay.

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That'd literally smash my hand.

I'd rather suck on them

>kara the night after you try and fail to fight her

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This is my favorite edit of this show and I don't even care for it. also that amount of tummy is as far ill go and its really healthy!

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I wouldn't recommend.

karafags should be gassed

Her involvement is already done. The most that will change is the direction of the show. Not the writing itself.

Are her tits hard as steel?

When it's consensual, it's ok.

>suddenly and without consent slapping a girl on the face
>slapping a girl on the ass during sexy times
>remotely the same thing

No,give me powergirl or give me death.

>tfw a girl wanted me to choke them during sex
How the fuck you expect me to randomly do that shit during sex if you didn't previously ask for that?

Like what if I make a bad judgement and the girl isn't into choking? If I choke a girl during sex and they aren't into that? That's fucking weird.

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They'll tell you no. If you're unsure about what a girl's into, you drop hints, try it out gently, or just fucking ask.

Sweet Christmas, Danvers, you killed an innocent man! Come on back, the mission's over.

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I don't randomly "drop hints" on a girl if she wants to get chocked. You know what's a good way to seem like a creep to a girl? "Drop hints" you want to choke them.

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No, I don't want to break my knuckles
>girl asks you to choke her

So wait, her body is bulletproof right?

Would her tits have the soft consistency of normal tits, or would they feel like Iron balls?

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What a fag.

This is the eternal question. Considering she can punch through solid rock and not even get a bruise she should be hard as a graven statue, but DC sometimes claims Kryptonians are tough because of a "force field" and so FEEL like flesh when you touch them. Which makes zero sense given it would have to activate whenever they are attacked but not merely when they are touched. Comics, go figure.

She can punch me all she wants~

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The forcefield could be kinetically activated, so that slow moving objects wouldn't trigger it.


I'm sure that biofield work like an oobleck.


Better question, since she has full superstrength wouldn't sticking your dick into her end up with her crushing it like you stuck it into an industrial steel press when she orgasms?

And for that matter, shouldn't superman's sperm have torn through lois like tiny self guided missiles due to being super powered too?

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