Since when could lantern rings absorb Omega Beams?

Since when could lantern rings absorb Omega Beams?

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since then

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Omega beams by itself can be deflected and manipulated all the time so I'm not surprised you can storage it as well.

Green Lantern Rings can do anything, you just need the Will.

The ring didn't absorb the omega beams, Jess's fat ass did.

she does have an Omega level ass

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The main reason why I'm still reading this.

That's cool, well the ring's only real limit is Will and Imagination so it makes sense the ring is able to absorb Omega beams.

isn't her ring like, wierd alternate-universe Volthroom magic shit?

I honestly don't know, I don't know much about Jessica, my understanding was her ring was different from the other GLs (like Alan Scott's is a separate thing with slightly different powers)

I could totally be talking out my ass, no idea

Since you're a mexican lantern.

That was her old ring before she earned her GL ring

Who knows. Haven't been keeping up with this, but I recall when I read the issue with Jess' revival it was expressly noted no one is sure what happened, how or why. There was speculation in the thread about a long con.

oh ok, so in OPs pic she has a standard run-of-the-mill GL corp ring?

if so then I have no idea how she absorbed Omega Energy lol

Most powerful weapon in the DC universe, in the right hands, usually Earth ones, it can do whatever you need it to do.

She did start with Eath-3 power ring but became a proper green lantern and now she doesn't have a ring at all but for some reason isn't naked despite her costume being a GL construct.

I want to see more of the lantern corps. GL has the potential to be a big franchise. Perhaps more crossovers where other superheroes/supervillains get a lantern ring for limited times?

Does construct size affect the power output like having a giant Earthsized boxing glove will be just as tough and destructive as a normal sized one?

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Usually, bigger is better

Noice 7s.

Since a writer decided it can. Jessica is the new Green Lantern that writers love to power wank.

>that Ross masterpiece

I still can't believe DC turned down Ross for KC2.

Original Kingdom Come was already terrible. Why would anyone want a Kingdom Come 2?

We've had orange Luthor, yellow Scarecrow, who would be good for a red ring?

Are you serious man? You must hate awesome comics, it was an alternate universe for fuck's sake.

>in OPs pic she has a standard run-of-the-mill GL corp ring?
She doesn't have that anymore either, Darkseid crushed her hand (and her ring with it) and then omega beamed her.

Still Hal, he’s got Silver Age shit back. Devolving people and shrinking shit and using the Miracle Machine

because cool art

>devolving people

What issue?

the ring fragments are in her hand

We need Morrison and Sharpe to do a multipage softcore sex scene of hall railing out Jess

Yeah, but not exactly ring shaped anymore.

>hall railing out Jess
I think you mean Bruce

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Cheetah? Poison Ivy? Damian? Red Hood? Idk, in all honesty.
I personally just want to see more Star Sapphires, I'm still pissed that the Predator only seemed to take on a male host and we won't be able to get an op Predatress which is like, the ultimate yandere or something which is just a woman(perhaps the love interest of a prominent hero) but with violet Xenamorph like armor/appearance/fusion to make her actually threatening, instead of the lame Predator human design we got. I get that it's an older design but they could have tweaked it.
I also agree with a lot of other people that Wonder Woman wasn't a good choice for violet, though that's because her characterization is all over the place.

Whatever, she's not real.

Green Lantern Season 2’s first issue. He devolves some hyper intelligent ape guys into fish

Damn, good shit, thanks.