Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD K6BD


"Never ask un' what dwells in darkness to describe the light to you, simple as that. Tis' about as useful as asking a fish to breathe air."

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fucking hell it took her a while to realize that

so what do you guys think is going to happen now?
i reckon she ought to still be Incubus' emissary

Not sure what, but she's about to do something cool

>Allison, I...

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Every thing about Incubus here is really creepy.

>Allison, I....
>I'm about to Incu-bust

is that last panel suppose to be a parody or something?

So if Allison was a complete psycho like Incubus she could have stood a chance against Salami?

And then Allison mastered the art of cutting and gained royalty from that one moment of self reflection

>noo not the heckin violencirinos

...why would it be a parody? The futility of violence is something that's been hammered home a lot in K6BD. Especially Prince Kassardis.

I've long since given up trying to predict Allison.

It's too late for her to back out of the pact she made
Incubus is going to take on a more hands-on approach to undercutting Solomon, I'm calling it

Both the futility and inevitability of it. Violence is the universal art. But it's also shortsighted to believe you can win at life by killing everything around you.

fuck you i almost choked, fuck

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Am I dumb or are there a lot of mixed signals about violence and what Royalty is?

Zoss is like the poster child of Royalty and he achieved it through killing all the gods (or was he Royalty before that?)

Royalty has been presented as both discipline / enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge (Solomon and others) and as ignorance / violence (Aesma).

Is Royalty meant to be contradictory or am I missing the point?


Royalty is about breaking rules, ergo, why the fuck would it not be contradictory?

Yes, YISUN itself is contradictory
Also Solomon isn't Royalty, if anything he's failing miserably at obtaining it. A better example of wise, disciplined Royalty would be Hansa.

I think not making any fucking sense is essential to Royalty, that's why every attempt to describe it nothing but vague, cryptic bullshit.

Did Incubus always have the undercut?

Pretty sure he does in this form

I'm pretty sure that, having followed Incubus path, Allison would not only defeat him , she would have killed every other demiurge daring to cross her path...but that's the point, right? Not going the same path of the other demiurges

Royalty seems to be about "breaking the mold", "living your own life". Zoss was the first to breach a virgin heaven, and rebelled against the angels that lived therein. Solomon is just emulating him; he considers himself Royal, but is failing. Aesma didn't know or care what people thought

Zoss is also clearly not happy. Not in a "happiness in peaceful living" kind of way, I mean things are fucked and he knows it and apparently can't fix it.

>Royalty has been presented as both discipline / enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge (Solomon and others) and as ignorance / violence (Aesma).
I dunno, if we assume Royalty is just "overruling" things, whether they're people, systems or abstract concepts then it's gonna be contextual.

>Zoss is like the poster child of Royalty and he achieved it through killing all the gods
Zoss killed the Prime Angels, not the gods.
Huge difference. The gods were dead for eons before Zoss showed up.

Sorry if this is an obvious question but who's the person that Incubus stole his throne from?
It's not Saint Meti, she never became a Demiurge and sat in a jar all day.
If it's Maya, what happened there? She doesn't mention having ever lost to him, or that she ever held a Key. Is it meant that he took her destiny from her?

Probably has to do with his massive bulge or that one can clearly see his nipple piercings from 20 feet away. Seriously, the gauge on those things must be massive.

Not in the same way he tried before. It's implyied that he tried to fix things before but failed miserably, same circle of violence going back to status quo. He tried something different, and then Allison got involved, almost jeopardizing his original plan but also giving the chance of changing things in a more fundamental way.