I got a package, Yas Forums

I got a package, Yas Forums

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cool show us what's in it

Ok and?

inb4 anthrax

Oh boy

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I hope you disinfected that.


Open it more

are you going to show us your Yas Forumsck or what

As you wish

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>risking the 'rona for his waifu
based user

and good taste faggot

Is their any porn inside?

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P sweet man.

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Now my collection is complete

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Not yet. Gather the wooden bones and make the nightmare reality.

Man user, you're living the dream. I hope to someday get the same for my own waifu.

I respect u user I hope ur happy with it
have a nice night


Now cum on it

yes. the only part you're missing is this:graverobbery is a not a felony

Inb4 le reddit screencap

I remember looking up prices about a decade back (wanted to make a Servo Skull drone), and a medical-grade fake skeleton was 5x the price of an actual human skeleton.

cum bucket material

are you that guy who's been cumming onto figures?

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>Reno 911 is back

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>breaching the dogscape

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Doggy birthday?

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Ah yes, Prison Break, The Ecchi anime that never shows off any nudity.

Copics are always nice to get

>Cucumber and mint
I don't know what to say about that

nice markers