But for real why would a woman fight crime in a fucking swimsuit? That shit tears easily

But for real why would a woman fight crime in a fucking swimsuit? That shit tears easily

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No if the artist doesn't want it to.

and it does right when the artist wants it to

it sure does

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It's for our viewing pleasure.
Also, to give a legit reason. For one thing she can shield herself with magic. Also, if something gets past that, she is half demon so I'm sure she is much harder to injure

It may tear if you're not careful, but if you're doing gymnastics and flips and dodges, it's good in that it fits to your form and does not hinder you. Of course, it also gives no protection from the usual bullets and shit. And it's cool looking.

I don't understand why they gave her a leotard in a cartoon aimed at little kids when in the comics aimed at a higher age bracket she's had a loincloth that covers her ass for her whole existence.

Gets addressed in Empowered.

Attached: emp comic.jpg (1021x1200, 330.67K)

Why would a woman fight crime at all?
The answer to both is: daddy issues.

easier to animate

Well OP why don't you tell us how they should be dressed? Should they dress like the queen with a big fancy dress?

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He’s got you there, OP.
The two known choices for women’s wear, swimsuit or big fancy queen.

It's not a swimsuit, it's a leotard.

>Melodies For My Robin Fans

she was a long ranged fighter, if she fought smartly which she never did she'd never be caught in the action

It's good enough for Olympic gymnasts it's good enough for raven

For the kinds of villains they fight they should be dressed in nothing short of SWAT gear

When you delve into any kind of super power fiction or fantasy, clothes are typically the main thing you have to suspend your disbelief for

Because it pleases my penis

Damn, I want to fuck her throat.

Protects her vag, Ass and tits. Makes sense. She can heal herself so armor bleeding isn't a problem.

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If I were beast boy I'd transform into a roach and crawl up her legs and into her ass crack and subsist off her feces.

Helps her swim in my sea of cum.

She has magic and, if I remember right, can meld into shadows.
Why is Robin wearing essentially the same thing as raven + pants? That fucker's human

Because the writers are horny for fictional teenagers

Gymnast leotards and swimwear are the feminine counterpart to the circus strongman "underpants on the outside"/wrestler stuff you see with male superheroes.

To avoid tearing i think she and other heroes like her should replace their standard outfits with identical looking bodypaint.

It's perfectly logical and not just my fetish i swear.

>But for real why would a woman fight crime in a fucking swimsuit?
Why the hell not....?

>That shit tears easily
can easily answered by "super special material yadda yadda ydda"

Also it make pp big, especially for me

super hero costumes are based on ye olde timey circus strongman leotards

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>it's perfectly logical and not just my fetish I swear
it's okay user, almost all of us here are leotard/swimsuit chads

there's no fucking way that Slade'D didn't happen and you can't change my mind

But for real why would a man fight the surface world in a fucking underwear? That shit tears easily

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>almost all of us here are leotard/swimsuit chads
Largely because of Raven

Nah, it's so people who can't get laid will jerk off to her.

gear is light metal actually.