Nobody here who says the ATLA comics are bad has actually read them

Nobody here who says the ATLA comics are bad has actually read them.

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I read up to the Zuko’s mom arc.

It was a very rough read imo, safe writing, boring art from people who don’t care about the source material, just a complete lack of imagination.

did you expect them to write out a full drama like a tv series? it is good for what it is, which is a childrens picture book, basically.

I've read them (LoK comics included).
They're all different levels of shit, from the anthologies of short stories to the main trilogies.
If you don't like that others don't enjoy the same garbage as you go hang yourself OP.

Why are they bad? specifically.

>reading comics
>Yas Forums

I bet you think Yas Forums plays video games and Yas Forums follows politics too

They made everyone gay after Korrasami was canon. They are basically HIBY only with a stamp from Nick.

Nobody from ATLA is gay, not one single person. Don't complain about something thats not even true or they'll make someone gay and you'll ruin it for the rest of us.

Sokka was threatening Azula?

ursa abandoned her children

I never read them because aang's perfectly round head pissed me off and was too distracting

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Everything after book 3 was a mistake

she was a victim of abuse herself but still ultimately a selfish coward who realized that her children never had a second life to run away to like she did, and chose to erase her memory of them just so she wouldn't have to think about how much they'd suffer without her.

The short stories are just pure fluff. Some can be entertaining while others are straight up dumb.
From the trilogies the best ones are the first (Promise) and last (Imbalance). In the first Yang pretty much yizzed all his narrative capacity with the colonies plot, but it still suffered from all the same things his other ATLA comics do, which is to say every message is ham-fisted and characters act ooc from where the show left them due to plot convenience. Search is a pure travesty in which no one comes out good (specially Ursa) and that was spirit-driven because Yang wanted to do a call back to Koh. Rift & North and South are the same flavor of nature/tradition vs industry/progress, just with one being Toph & Aang centric and the other Katara & Sokka centric. Fuck Smoke and Shadow. Imbalance is pretty good and less ooc than Yang's run, even if it is just the general plot of Korra season 1 but inverted.
Overall the comics go from ok, to mediocre, to fucking stinkers.

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The art is cute but the story borders on fanfic and the dialogue doesnt compliment it at all. ATLA didnt need a sequel comic or series.

Just saying "it didn't need a sequel" is lazy. They were obviously always going to continue making content with these characters. What would you have rather they done instead, without just whining that they're doing something at all

why do they have a forklift

They’re a mixed bag at best.
The Rift was fun but that’s mostly because a complete mess of a story that includes a flashback within a flashback within a flashback.
North and South was cute but bland. The Promise is a very rough start, I liked The Search because its a tighter story but it’s not without controversy. Smoke and Shadow is the only one that’s absolute garbage.

I haven’t read the latest one, no idea what it’s about, people used to storytime them when they got released but it hasn’t happened the last couple of years.

Yeah, why wouldn’t they?
The franchise is dead, I’d do whatever I want if i was writer.

Because the artists pretty much just traced a stock image of a forklift from google images in the Rift (first comic in which thay appear) instead of making a fantasylite version. They get a more steampunk look in Imbalance.

You’d like getting Japanese art for an avatar comic would be a good idea.
Stylistically it was but I’m pretty sure
The Japanese artist who drew the first 6 books didn’t give a shit about the source material becoming more soulless every book until they were let go, unfortunately we a new shit team were more fans of the source material but couldn’t produce quality work.

no they dont all they do is pot the same image and get mass replays

thats a lot of nitpickng

we can have blimps jet keys tanks giant drills wheelchairs tanks submarines but man a forklift is going over the line

The comics got off to a bad start when FIRST THING we see Aang doing after sparing Ozai’s life is agreeing a pact to fucking murder Zuko if he starts showing signs of tyranny.

i want to make an edgy Yas Forums reply to this

The ideas are sort of interesting but the delivery is hokey. They're definitely intended for kids first and fans who have grown up second. Azula being allowed to run some weird secret service obsessed with randomly destabilizing the Fire Nation to keep Zuko on his toes is stupid, she should've just been as closed to reformed as she could get or killed off.

>Tell your brother
It somehow just clicked now that Azula and Zuko parallel Katara and Sokka in almost every sense.

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Nvm I remember it wrong, she's doing this so she can make Zuko turn into a tyrant, which is even dumber.

do it, then.

how did that ever pan out?

idk Sokka was never as much of a hardo as Zuko. Though I suppose you could argue they both became more like the earlier versions of each other as they matured.

Azula being anything but executed or on the boiling rock is a non-starter for me. Zuko knows that girl is evil to her core.

I have read all of them at least once. They range in quality from decent to complete trash.