To make krakoa mutant Israel without being a stereotype I believe the best way would be to make up significant population of non mutant citizens from mutant mom and dad as an allegory for Native Palestinians.They will have no obligation to join the military forces have full citizenship. Be treated significantly better than any mutant citizen of krakoa enemies but the UN will act like that the most oppressed people in the UN just to appease anti-mutant countries.
How to actually make krakoa mutant Israel
>my son
This bitch stole a baby from a hospital and no one has any problem with that, not only that her mutie friends rigged it so that it looked like she adopted him, and then killed the baby's father when he came for him.
No wonder that they build giant robots to hunt these animals down.
they would also need to be financially propped up by religious death cult of right wingers who believe their savior won't come back to end all life on Earth if all the mutants aren't on Krakoa.
Fuck off, Jamie. All mutants must DIE!
Not necessarily. Because no Muslim enemy Nation border countries metaphor can be made have. Also you cannot have the equivalent of a multiple-year blockade with the UN doing nothing but supporting the blockade itself by stopping all of krakoa legal actions trying to end it.
To complete the allegory, the mutants would have to be the original inhabitants of Karoka, but the humans would demand it be entirely their own, even though they control every other island/nation around it.
This thread has nothing to do with comics and is just OPs unsolicited opinion of Israel.
People compare krakoa to Israel all the time without knowing the nuances or what is actually more accurate to say about its enemies.I do believe the audience = see it to have one of Israel's more positive traits.
Because those people are morons poking for an opportunity to rope people into arguing about isreal, most people don't care.
Also I want something that could be actually believable and do in the context of the comic. even though I do have the same viewpoint as this It be just as bad to interpreted into the as this Because you cannot make it make sense in the comic book.And having a significant number of years go by.
Krakoa should have been landlocked so we'll have border skirmish stories
They probably decided not to do that when they realize how much of a metaphor about Israel it could be used as already.
Unsolicited opinions on Israel are relevant on every board.
And it's on topic, Karoka is clearly an allegory for Israel, they start the whole story off in Jerusalem for a reason.
Can someone please explain to me what this whole unsolicited opinion of Israel thin is?
It's from the terrible Angela comic that marvel put out years ago.
Israel is a coastal nation tho.
>To make krakoa mutant Israel
Endlessly annex the surrounding land while destabilizing every country around them?
It's from the Angela comic a few years back. Universally derided as terrible, and with the first major trans character in Marvel but I kinda liked it, and it left us with one lasting meme, which is more than most comic runs can say.
You misspelled 'liberate'
It's not annexation if they're not even using that land. Now excuse me while I bulldoze the houses on that land.
>Endlessly annex the surrounding land while destabilizing every country around them?
All the neighbouring countries at the time are blockade Israel illegally at the time.And the UN had no problem with the Muslim Nation blocked occupying Palestine. I'm becoming unstable after a failed military invasion is your own fault.
Significantly more Jewish people lost citizenship in the Arab world than all the Palestine who what away( In the Arab world illegal Warfare against Israel) after its creation.
>I believe the best way would be to make up significant population of non mutant citizens from mutant mom and dad as an allegory for Native Palestinians.
You'll have to live with what Hickman is actually doing, the displaced original population of Krakoa are demons. Actual demons, driven out by Apocalypse and his Horsemen in ancient times.
>Endlessly annex the surrounding land
What about when Israel return to Egypt after on going multiple years of war by Egyptian and multiple Muslim Nation allies trying to annihilate is Israel existence)the Extremely useful border area they were using as a buffer for Egypt invasions for a guarantee of piece.
It's funny how the same people who endlessly whine about the Arabs who fled Israel on it's creation don't even seem to know about the million Jews expelled from Arab lands afterwards.
The amount of land they collective owned was bigger than all of Israel.
For that matter, why must all the Syrian refugees in Europe must be resettled and stay there forever and must never return, but all the Palestinian refugees are still in refugee camps and must return to Israel and no where else?
What issue was this? I've fallen behind on the X-books.
I think that's a problem because of Palestine the Muslim World actually wants to legally make all the Syrian refugees have to go back to Syria,In my opinion if a country wants help taking in refugees they got to make a commitment to take in the refugee.
Really? I've been reading the opposite, both vocal Arabs and Muslims, and Western refugee supporters, want the Syrians resettled in Europe, no matter the choas it's caused.
But those same people insist that the Palestinians must return to Israel, and that they must stay in refugee camps until then.
>Be treated significantly better than any mutant citizen of krakoa enemies
I wonder if a lying jew wrote this post
>Jews expelled from Arab lands afterwards
>Jews steal Arabs land
Haha Stupid Goyim
>Jews then procede to get expelled from other Arabs lands after they learned their lesson
I don't know about the chaos but I say refugees so not go back to the home country. I also believe with that much more significant amount of UN funding Palestinian refugee camps in the that have been deliberately have the camps populations inflated constantly and probably in illegally we with the local countries orphanage the UN needs make the countries actually take responsibility for the refugee they have been deliberately increase for war.
>tell the truth
>get called a liar
"It's ok when we do it!"
>To make krakoa mutant Israel
Too late
>they would also need to be financially propped up by religious death cult of right wingers who believe their savior won't come back to end all life on Earth if all the mutants aren't on Krakoa.
Christian Zionists are cancer. So what if it’s Kurt worshipping the Phoenix.