You got no idea of how much I hate this little piece of shit

You got no idea of how much I hate this little piece of shit

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Don’t steal my idea, retard

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hahaha i give a shit

She needs to be pimp slapped.

Did someone know who drew this?.


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Thanks user.

i wish i was a pitbull and rip her face off

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She's worse than Korra because at least I want to hatefuck Korra.

I liked that comic where her and the Mexican kid fucked each other. Also the original comic the show was based off of where she was just delusional.

I never read a svtfoe porn comic

Skinny flat blonde girls is my fetish

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I like all the flavors and colors

I want to fuck her mouth and I don't even watch the show.

Star bully thread?Star bully thread.

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Yet you wish to fuck her

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Oh I think I do, many hate this shitty disgusting piece of shit.

But yeah, there are also those who consider it cute.

Let's just maek a good hate-star thread for good ol' times sake.

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hahahaha ironies of life

She hates you too

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hahahaha nice nice no bad

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Stop avatar posting with this pic you beyond faggoty faggot.

You're right. Superior characters, coming through.

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Eyy!!! I say no bad ¬,¬

Why is there so much material about this? At first, I thought it was all one guy because of how similar it all was but it can't be.

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Good old fashion.

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hahaha nice