The crazy thing is, you can’t even say this isn’t how Doctor Manhattan has always looked because he’s still blue
The crazy thing is, you can’t even say this isn’t how Doctor Manhattan has always looked because he’s still blue
The crazy thing is, you can because you have the comic and the movie where he doesn't have nig lips and nose.
look at those negroid features
Are you implying all races have the same bone structure
“Race” is a social construct that’s skin deep
With the comic you can tell he has a Caucasian facial structure, which is logical considering he was originally a white guy
Here you can't tell say that you can't tell there is a black man under that blue paint
bix nood
Do you literally only look at skin colour and nothing else?
too bad they destroyed and shamed the authors of the books that demonstrates genetic discrepancies from race to race of humans
Da-buh dee-uh-buh die
good goy
holyy shit is a cosplay? or edit?
*blocks your arteries path*
HBO series
does he still show his blue dick? i wanna see...
dude looks like Squidward
In both the comics and the movie, the goal of the Do was to be portrayed as the antic greek / roman statue.
So, no you are wrong OP
>Showing his fucking eyes
The one thing to show he's detached and inhuman.
No it's not. Some populations have genetic traits not shared with other. Caucasoids digest milk based products easier, Inuit can survive eating only meat, hawaian and other islands based population can stock fat easier, and so on.
Sure, we are still the same species, but it's not wrong to differentiate population
Yeah, that was fucking dumb. They painted the guy in blue and it was done.
I can understand people that hate the movie. But I cannot understand those who praise the serie while spitting on the movie, because it was 10 times better in every aspect
He didn't look like a black guy in cheap blue make-up, that's for fucking sure.
Looks like a Blue Man Group reject.
Race-based genetic features are a thing. The same way a desert cat and a jungle cat are two different types of cats who would benefit being on different types of diets and more comfortable living in certain environments rather than just, "Oh, it's a cat that eats cat good and can live absolutely anywhere on the planet without temperature discomfort".
>comparing humans to animals
"Black features" or whatever the fuck don't bother me. What bothers me is that you can see his eyes and the make-up looks cheap. I can't even accurately say if the actor has the wrong face for Manhattan because I can't get past the pupils and the lack of a paint job around the eyes in general as well as the shitty non-existent glow.
>crazy thing is, you can’t even say this isn’t how Doctor Manhattan has always looked
Yeah I could. Doctor Manhattan always had a passing resemblance to his former human self, Jon Osterman.
This is technically blackface isn’t it? It definitely blackface
>Humans aren't animals
Yeah that's honestly the most butchered aspect about this character.
I don't give a fuck that he's black, but I do give a fuck about the atrocious costume design, acting, vfx, and characterization
There is like an offhand comment made by Angela after she removes the blocking ring thats along the lines of, "you still look like..." implying he didn't always look this way. Which is why they don't show his face during the entire episode about their first date.
What we see in the last few episodes is not how he always looked, just how he looks after being Calvin for 10 years.
I don't know what the big deal is.
He might’ve been a light skin black man
>"Black features" or whatever the fuck don't bother me.
Haha yeah, no such thing as black features
Isn't this specific to regions in Africa and Asia where malaria is high. Its not a black, if even African thing. And I feel some of you may be conflating this. Also though rare, white people can on occasion have sickle cell.
>Putting words in my mouth
Why are Yas Forums tourists such faggots.
I liked how they edited it so his voice was a tiny bit higher when he was white, then put his normal voice on when he turned black, and had Angela act like it was sooooo different
What a lazy show. Just get a voice actor who doesn’t sound like the blackest black man alive
>The Doc regressing in his character developpment
>The Doc now being able to be mind controlled by device, despite not needing a body to exist
>The Doc being weak to lithium
>The Doc not being able to change his appearance as he wants
>The Doc not doing shit because the plot needs him to do so
I still think Justin Theroux should’ve played Manhattan
Sure, it's only the skin
Am i going to hell if I thing than some of them looks like Orsimer and other Elder Scroll model (Especially bottom left one)