Pay-Per-View Success of ‘Trolls 2’ Could Change Hollywood Forever

>>Movie theaters have threatened to blacklist any movie released on pay-per-view or on home video outside the accepted eight to twelve week window. For obvious reasons, theater owners are terrified moviegoers will embrace the idea of seeing a just-released movie at home instead of the theater. And so, for the last decade, it’s been a game of chicken, where the studios dare not antagonize the theater owners, especially when the studios don’t know if moviegoers will embrace paying $20 to rent a just-released movie for 24 hours. Think about the risk; just like that, they could lose tens of millions of dollars on their investment. No one wants to take that chance.The coronavirus changed all that.

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Was it a success? really?

Biggest streaming debut yet, iirc.

Fuck theaters and fuck their overpriced concessions.

They are a social experience, that is part of the fun.

All it proved was, if forced to sit in, people will pay for a movie. When people are allowed to congregate in large numbers again, parties will have 1.50-2.00 movie night.

>buying anything other than corn and a drink

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Oh yes, the "social experience" of being a room full of people who happen to be staring at the same screen as you, and if you're lucky they'll keep their goddamn mouths shut. Good riddance.

I wonder if this means good news for Scoob, even if theaters were open that movie was likely to underpeform

Where the hell else am I going to go for air conditioning?

The grocery store.

What kind of fucking destitute faggot are you that you don't have air conditioning at home? Better stop going to the movies and make better life decisions.

No Patrick, air conditioning is not a social experience.

100 fucking million
Theatres are dead.

>“With nearly five million rentals, the digital release has in three weeks generated more revenue for Universal than the original Trolls did during its five-month theatrical run,"


The bigger problem is that is Trolls 2.

I guess kids really are stupid.


God damn
It isn't killing regular movie releases but sure as hell is killing anything that isn't big blockbuster

I can't believe RLM's dream to see the death of cinema actually came to fruition.

Good. I HOPE this becomes the new Normal. I hate being stuffed in a theater. Just charge me abit.

Let me and my friends pull out some drinks and food then watch at our own pace.

Also Trolls 2 was Ok. First was better and the cartoon is WAAAY better

oh shit this might actually do well

Attached: scoob.png (249x460, 38.54K)

Use an archive, user.

Based upon numbers released from the creators of 'Trolls 2' with no way to verify them.

... gee, I believe them...

dreamworks changing the industry again

Sorry AMC you're going out of business

I'm the exact opposite

I prefer the theater than watching shit at home

trolls 2 was the movie that killed theaters

this is going to go down in history books, anons

Give me the option then.

>I HOPE this becomes the new Normal.
Go fuck yourself faggot.

In a good theater experience, emotions are amplified. Funny things are funnier, scary things are scary, exciting things are more so.
I can't really explain it but it is. Also watching on your tv or computer isn't the same as watching on a screen bigger than your house.

Why can't we have both?

Just charge more for the one that has more demand.

>Just charge more for the one that has more demand.

Wait... I got it wrong, I meant the other way around.

>Sonic the hedgehog, the last biggest earning movie before the pandemic
>Trolls 2, the movie that could possibly change the movie industry forever, killing theaters with its success.
What a time to be alive.

holy shit.

animated movies will never be released in theaters again.

So far it looks like a monkey's paw.

Good. Fuck theaters. They deserve the same fate as big box retail stores.

did you see that comic shop owners? this is your future


I doubt it would make as much money if people weren't stuck at home

If it does, it'll be a game changer for children and family movies for sure. Time will tell if this format will work for everything else.

theaters are just out of style, for now. Home entertainment is whats all the rage. Theaters will come back in style in a few decades if/when pod life gets old. That or we just become Ready Player One irl.

Disney will likely
Low budget kid shit is over with
This could be amazing if it pans out right for animated films

That was uncalled for, mario.

Can someone tell me how Pixar's Onward is doing? Has it been released for streaming?