"classics" that you always thought were overrated trash?

"classics" that you always thought were overrated trash?

Attached: the reddit joke.jpg (255x391, 26.46K)

I wouldn't call The Killing Joke trash, but it's definitely overhyped and overrated.

inb4 anything alan moore

Yeah, I guess I put "trash" in there for bait purposes. It's certainly not trash.

I didn't get Kingdom Come. I also think Alex Ross does better work as a cover artist than as an interiors artist.

Attached: Kingdom_Come_(DC_Comics_1997_softcover_edition).jpg (250x383, 60.9K)


Came here to post this. Whatever interesting story might have been in there was bogged down by page after page of self-congratulatory cameos out the ass that distract from damn near everything else.

And yeah, Ross should stick to covers

did you really expect to have a good time with something that says "Mark Waid"?

Crisis on Infinite Earths. Maybe it was groundbreaking in its time, but today's it's almost unbearably shlocky. (Art's still fanastic tho.)

The schlock is what makes it fun. It's like a B-movie. And the art makes everything feel appropriately grand. Although I will agree that it's not as great as it's built up to be.

Maus, Cerberus, Love & Rockets, anything with the "Marvel" name on it.

anything Morrison made

Waid in the 90s was very well liked before he went all woke in the last decade read some older comics.

Jim Starlin's Thanos run is just awful, especially when it starts spewing all those cosmic entities.

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Todd McFarlane as a Spider-Man artist. His predecessors were better in every way and his clones were better in every way.



these threads are so fucking boring
>here's an acclaimed comic
>well guess what? I don't like it!

these replies are so fucking boring
>no CBT
>purposely tries to undrain my cum


If you want someone to elaborate you should ask them to instead of bitching about it and not even replying to their post
Your post is so fucking boring
>>there's a post in this thread
>>and guess what? I don't like it! I won't say which one it is or discuss it either!

This Shit taste
Some modern "classics" that don't deserve their acclaim:
The Ultimates by Mark Millar
The Vision by Tom King
Last Look
Sabrina by Nick Drnaso

Killing Joke is well plotted and drawn.
Hush on the other hand is garbage and I'm sick of DC trying to peddle it to casuals like it's some genre defining work.

Are you fucking retarded, user? Hush is fucking S-Tier.

That is a hell of a bait

Attached: Smug nonon.png (500x612, 242.91K)

Yeah, Shit-Tier

Of course you'd know what's Shit-Tier, looking at it in the mirror everyday has made you quite the expert, eh?


I don't really care much for Locke & Key or Saga. Locke & Key is especially boring.

I thought Last Look was alright. I at least liked the ant hill dream reality.

only the Art is good.

>I thought Last Look was alright.
I guess it was alright, I didn't like it, but I've seen it described as some kind of masterpiece of comics, which it isn't.

It's actually shit.
>Lee's generic poster art
>A mystery that's obvious the second that Elliot gets introduced
>Batman's villains haphazardly thrown in there instead of being thematically tied to holidays like in Long Halloween

Attached: 5.jpg (615x1025, 101.67K)

I've always thought people preferred Black Hole as Burn's comic masterpiece? I heard absolutely nothing about X'ed Out until it got re-released as Last Look it definitely had some good symbolism going on even if the plot wasn't all that spectacular.

Didn't Alan Moore even say that he didn't think Killing Joke was that good and that he didn't get why people loved it so much?

inb4 people hate Dark Knight Returns because we've had decades of batwank and can't still appreciate it as a cultural artifact