So, what is their plan to kill Star Butterfly?

So, what is their plan to kill Star Butterfly?

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Star doesn't have powers, so she's completely vulnerable aside from her physical abilities.

Turn jenny into an atomic bomb and then nuke her ass

Exactly.I bet she already got arrested by the gorvenment due to the events from the last season.

Could they have stopped Thanos?

Do you think they ever bring it up that Ben's ghost aliens make Danny a pointless part of the team?

Ben makes all of them pointless, except maybe Kim for her tactical knowledge.

First they need 3 cups for the males, unless ghost nuts don't need a cup.

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Really though with magic like this the guys might as well not try. Star can probably dismantle Jenny without even caring since she's a robot, which leaves Kim, a regular girl with some spy tools. Star can dimension hop and blast magic at Kim from afar, I think the only real chance they have is a sneak attack involving Kim.

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This. She's got spiked boots, and magic. Any male threat to Star will need to put their balls on the line.

Time travel.

Sit back and watch Ben turn into Way Big and step on her

That's just making his testicles a bigger target. She melted Toffee down to nothing with a blast of pure magic, you don't want to feel that on your balls.

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>Immune to magic
Watchu gonna do?

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>tfw big-chill reproduces asexually so he dosen't have a dick

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I mean tons of his transformations probably don't have testicles goop, upgrade, ghostfreak, probably Alien X, ect.

She's able to physically overwhelm huge monsters in her own world without magic, her boots are spiked for a reason.
Not having testicles only matters if the form can beat Star. Big Chill wouldn't stand a chance, Star's magic does a ton of different stuff that can stop Big Chill.

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>Possesses her
>Why you hittin yourself? Why you hittin yourself?

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then let Jenny and Kim cuck her with Marco.It's the only way.

Karma Chameleon

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I love this image

Ghostfreak would be good IF he got the jump on her and possessed her, but his biggest weakness is light and Star regularly uses light as a weapon, even concentrated rainbows which would just melt Ghostfreak instantly. Ghostfreak is not resistant to magic, Charm could take him down.

If you want to beat Star this is the way.

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Danny is way more powerful than any of Ben's ghost alien forms though. I can totally see Ben go Ghostfreak to get around Danny's invulnerability only to get stomped.

how dare you touch the royal corridor.

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We know no one else will

>2 Nick characters
>2 Disney chacters
>Only 1 CN character
What did they mean by this

i'm tired of this fucking thread

ha nice

Rex could fit in the team, but in ben 10 canon he's from another universe.

Who else does CN have that fits the teen hero role like Ben does? All I can think of is Juniper Lee, and she literally can't leave her hometown.

This one's fun though

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Let me guess you were looking at the archives and found a bunch of pictures and thing it's funny to post them.

Steven? This was probably drawn before the show came out though

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

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Some of them are funny. If you don't think it's funny feel free to discuss the topic without including this meme.

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And I didn't see the post about Rex in time. He really can't see him working outside his own setting since the EVOs are a requisite for his origin, unless we're just going to rewrite it from the ground up.

Possible. I imagine his super-pacifist nature would create conflicts with the others.

Teen Steven gets over that, he also needs a new purpose so sign him up.

He also hates genocidal royal cunts so he can take out his diamond issues on her

kind of helps that by the end of future he left to the road.
maybe he could help them with gem situations outside from beach city.

They have to cut off star’s strength

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He'd have to be careful though, Star knows he has 2 jewels that are even more of a weakness than the gem on his belly button.

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This shit writes itself. What states do Kim and Jake live in? They'd probably be good starts for forming the group

Just wreck that royal corridor

Jake lives in New York City. Kim's in one of those Springfield-styled cities with no defined state, but I would probably say she's around the middle of the country.

Bully Steven, point him in her general direction.


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What if Star recruits Marco to help defend herself?

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Have Tom steal Marco from star

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then danny or ghostfreak ben possesses him and make he cuck star with Kim or Jenny

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Age Jade up a bit and we can include JCA in this

Have Ben seduce Marco

Like that doormat would ever leave Star.

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>So, what is their plan to kill Star Butterfly?

They can't even stop the thread from becoming shit thanks to her, for how incompetent they are a a group.

Nefcy says in the AMA Marco dumps Star

How did Starco fags reacted to this?

What's stopping them from travelling back in time, finding baby Star and...

Could Ben scan Steven and also become a diamond?