This is my favorite slide show

this is my favorite slide show.

Attached: molly.png (174x387, 117.34K)

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mine too, I love seeing paper cutouts move

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Anyone who's watched Anime Campaign, how does the story develop from here on out? Are the next few arcs worth checking out or is it better to wait it out for another year or two when season 2 drops?

Was very surprised and pleased to see how good a show it was. Animation style was also charming once you got used to it.

>tfw jello dropped $200K of his own money to make this.

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Yeah I want more.

I too enjoyed this puppet show, when will more happen?


>You've got a lot to do today
>Feel proud and wipe your eyes, 'cause hey!
>Stifletheyawn, you stayedup 'til dawn
>Let's see what youbeen 'working on


>Keep in mind the deadline is closing in
>Your byline, the headline, they're in the bin
>Uncompleted... all deleted


>You'll have to crunch and work 'til dawn 'til you die!
>Cut out the corners, cross the Ts and dot the Is!
>Whip out the white-out, but keep it in good taste!
>Just so that no one will ever know it's defaced


>Epithet Erased!

Noo ho ho, it always ends badly for me

Node? what the fick is that, I can plug into things, I can attach to things?

We all know Molly cussed at least once, question is how willing is she to use the N-word?

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Hey man, don't be mean about it. At least the guy is dropping his own money and making his own work, and trying his best to make something he can call his own. It's more than you could say about yourself.

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It enhances my accuracy to a superhuman extent for up to five minutes, can be reused every ten minutes.

Superhuman strength, but only when I'm throwing things away from me.

Monkey's paw version: people forget about me a day after meeting me (I can only have short flings...)

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Unless Jello cuts a lot of crap out I hope you like gay pansexual superhero academy love drama.

Mera is adorbs

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She's so cute. I'm glad this show got made.
I love that individual artists can make their own shows with less and less studio influence. You can get some really original stuff.

I wasnt trying to be mean. I'm worried if he's fucked.

I'd eat her debauchery, if you know what I mean.teach her to milk my pinecone.

Noble. This could probably do some JoJo bullshit

I was really surprised at how good this was. Gave it a shot when episode 4 came out and I saw it in youtube recommends and was completely unprepared for how much heart jello managed to stuff into this series. I've seen a lot of people say he wasted his money because of how the final product looks, but I disagree entirely. The voice acting makes the cardboard cutouts feel alive, and by the end of it he proved that they could make a compelling action sequence using those cutouts. 8/10 for a rough first 1.5 episodes, really hoping things line up for a S2.

Molly is best Loli and Ramsey is best guy

Attached: Ramsey murdoch.png (1500x1000, 1.43M)

I don't not like that


..ah man..

She’s cute

They're going to school? Aw, and I thought it would be fun.

I guess I can move time of any person or thing forward myself included, but only forward. Sounds like it would be tricky to use.

Node sounds pretty cool and can mean lots of things! Generally, its just a point thar branches out into other things. This means that it could be plant powers in which leaves and stem of plants can grow from. Say growing poisonous plants could be a power. It could be more abstract as its a word used in math, physics and computer science. I'm thinking being good at going through paths or identifying someone's location or identity through a web of interactions they've had with other people.

Also I got vision which i guess its a choose one of supervision, xray, or laser eyes? Future sight if I'm feeling fancy?

Dude... you got the same power as King Crimson, you can skip time

I'm fairly useless on my own, but I can apply my power to other people to give them a boost.

I have become Toori Aoi.

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the "I YELL A LOT AND I THINK IM HOT SHIT AND SO QUIRKY" is the worst 2010's trope