Teens next door

Teens next door would’ve been a better series than gknd. Pic unrelated.

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my sweet princess

>skinny numbuh 2

I said pic was unrelated. Pic is from the episode where Numbuh 2 was a teen for a minute.

Absolutely not.
If fanfic has told me anything it would be the most boring and drawn out excuse for romance ever. No one would give a shit.
At least GKND has some potential to be a cool sci fi action show. The teens next door concept has nothing going for it beyond being nostalgia bait.

"Teens Next Door" is most definitely a porno.

>Teens Next Door
More or less the same shit, just with more romance subplots(as if the original show didn't beat you over the head with ship teases)?

I mean the main issue is that you would just be making Rugrats All Grown Up but with KND characters

GKND was an actual follow up to the story line in KND and could continue to play on themes of childhood verse adulthood

I don't think it would. Original KND explored different aspects of childhood in an exaggerated way. I feel like making them teenagers would make them lose all the imaginative plots they had compared to making them kids.

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>I don't think it would. Original KND explored different aspects of childhood in an exaggerated way. I feel like making them teenagers would make them lose all the imaginative plots they had compared to making them kids.
trash opinion

I am glad Galactic Kids Next Door didn't get made, because they were evidently panning on assassinating Nigel's character and they made the Galactic Kids Next Door evil.

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I think it would’ve been interesting. Just have it like the original but more spy and romance sub plots.

hi anondive

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You ruined it. Shipping is peek cancer.

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>explored different aspects of childhood in an exaggerated way
And you can't apply that logic to teenage years cause it's been done many times and would be better R rated.

>I am glad Galactic Kids Next Door didn't get made
fuck you

>show about teenagers
>no shipping
How the fuck?

That’s sorta what I was thinking.

It's crazy how this episode was. It made being white seem like a super power. Number 2 is a huge dork even as a teen but still manages to get with Creed through no effort.

By focusing on story, plots, humour, creativity. Shipping is a mental illness that develops in the desperately lonely, no need to encourage it further.

I prefer the series keep its integrity.

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How can one person be so uptight?

>It made being white seem like a super power.
You are probably one of those people who thinks every fart in South Park or Rick and Morty holds some kind of deep meaning or hidden cosmic truth.

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....you were a teenager at one point.

You know full well doing a show about teens with no romantic subplots makes zero sense.

Don’t remind me of THAT comic

>It made being white seem like a super power
>Number 2
user, I have something to tell you.

Is it wrong though? The KND are a group of children fighting typical adults with weapons made of trash. Their villains are pirates that steal candy, grannies that feed you too much, dentists, spanking vampires or just general authority figures. How could you possibly improve that with teenagers without changing the fact that they're supposed to be fighting for kids' rights?

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Teens next door sounds like something I’d watch on pornhub

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Someone beat you to that joke

Causal, reading is the only correct way to intake cartoon porn

And i made it again, your point?

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He’s right. How can you make a show about teenagers and realistically say there shouldn’t be shipping? Teenagers fall in love every five minutes.

nice honkers