Skyla threads always manage to hit bump limit but I have no idea how...

Skyla threads always manage to hit bump limit but I have no idea how. The amount of pictures is dwindling and that's the only reason I come to these things. What the fuck are you guys even talking about anyway?

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Wanting to fuck and impregnate skyla.

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I want to fuck the big tiddy goth

Who's the bitch on the left

They quickly turn into Yas Forums generals. All the time, no exceptions
That is the average reason why they get started in first place.

Attached: spoiler for the last issue.png (1252x834, 679.5K)

That's a bummer, is it straight up Yas Forums or is there at least arguing going on? I've always known Yas Forums to have a higher defense against the alt-right hive mind.

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People want to fuck Skyla.
Some trannies inevitably show up to sperg out about Yas Forums out of nowhere.

It gets pretty random but with traces of Yas Forums in it

I like how tiddy goth is a nerd

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>All we were doing was talking about our garbage opinions and then out of nowhere a bunch of people got mad at us. So much for the tolerant left.

Attached: skyla_first_day_of_school_by_hellonearth_iii_ddprdbz-fullview.jpg (1280x862, 151.91K)

>but I have no idea how
Because you're an autistic waifunigger that will happily spend 4 days hopped up on meth, just to make sure you're awake to page10 bump your thread.
You even tried to shill your shit on Yas Forums of all places.


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>so when do they get fucked by the orks?

A girl worth to date with.

Attached: Skyla.png (1280x862, 476.73K)

i wish she had more black features in this style

Goth chick wants to be ravaged by Jason Voorhees

who's the third loli supposed to be?

It's pretty Yas Forums; it tries to be cute about it, but that only goes so far. That said, there are some decent moments, even without divorcing it from context.

Attached: emancipate my dick.png (2440x1986, 3.07M)

>be skyla's mom
>boyfriend leaves you a single parent
>smoking doesn't send the pain away
>kid definitely doesn't send the pain away
>despair leads to apathy, apathy leads to emotional death
>now you want the pain again
She could really use a good man in her life.

Her dad was one of those hardcore face-tattoo Latino gangsters who would look completely white if not for his Frank Zappa facial hair.
Her mom is a dark-skinned Brazilian who may or may not have Black heritage, but she looked like Skyla when young - small pointy nose and all - so I think Skyla's mom's facial features simply look more broad because she's getting old and frumpy.
Basically: Skyla doesn't have black features because she's not black. She's Brazilian-Latino with dark skin, hence why she also has friends who aren't Black. You ever see black girls hanging out with white goth girls and pink-haired neo-hippy-pop-punks (or trannies, or whatever Skyla's pink-haired friend has going on), or basically anyone other than other black girls?

Red pill me on Skyla.

cute and pure.
deserves love and headpats

>You ever see black girls hanging out with white goth girls and pink-haired neo-hippy-pop-punks (or trannies, or whatever Skyla's pink-haired friend has going on), or basically anyone other than other black girls?
Yes, and this is a hilariously tortured attempt at writing off skyla and her mother as not black

She's a goth. OF COURSE she's a nerd.

This informative pamphlet should tell you all you need to know

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Okay, let's address the rest of the argument then:
Since the artist can clearly draw black features, then why does the artist choose not to draw Skyla with black features?

Is this a reference or a joke from a strip I haven't read?

Look, just stop jerking me around and tell me the truth. What is the endgame here? What kind of propaganda is the author pitching?