Why the west hates new stories?

On the left we have the best selling manga from 2019, as far as I can tell, the oldest title is One Piece, it started in 1997. On the right, the best selling comics, the youngest main characters are Carnage and Spawn, first apearing in 1992. How did that happen? Why Japan is more open to new characters and story while western audiences seems to like stablished characters? Is it about the audience itself or something forced by the industry?

Attached: Japan and america.png (726x534, 29.79K)

Please don't turn this into a East vs West thread, I'm sure we can talk about the difference between them withou acting like it is a personal offence

>Why the west hates new stories?
>You have to specify why one piece is still there
Either way, the west likes a sense of consistency with similar characters but interpreted differently. You can see it in soap operas for example, where Mexico gives like half a year max while western soap operas are long runners that can last over half a decade
user you know the can of worms you are opening

>where Mexico gives like half a year max while western soap operas are long runners that can last over half a decade

Wait, isn't mexico in the west?

I mean century. Many have lasted over 50 years

Sweet naive user.

>Why the American hates new stories?
Dont include the EU in this

A little of both plus there's barely any new western superheroes that are worth a fuck.

Sure let's pretend the bestsellers aren't Donald Duck and Spirou

The comic industry can't let go of capes because West nerds demand only that from it. Those same nerds are the ones who are buying manga so the answer is that nerds view Manga industry as one stp above comics. Comics are the lowest of the low for the world which is the biggest irony of them all considering the characters are making more money than all those mangas combined in other industries (games, movies, tv, toys).

Using old IP is cheaper than looking for something new that no one guarantees it'll be a success.
And not without evidence

America is about commercialism and pandering, it will recicle the same story forever, because if you made a hit chracater in 1938 no need to make new ones.

Eh, I like some Manga shit but I prefer capeshit overall. The main problem is that large corporations have a stranglehold on the capeshit industry, Image was doing VERY well against Marvel and DC in the 90's but Marvel made some deals with distributors that ended up squeezing out the majority of their competition including smaller comic book shops. It didn't help that creator owned properties often times didn't have long term plans for their stories and took forever to release comics on any sort of consistent schedule.

Marvel at one point was even about to go out of business in the late 90's early 00's, after Disney bought them out their properties soared in popularity but the result was stagnation (DC sufferes from this too) that's part of the reason why Manga has become popular too in a lot of ways because it's newer shit that fills that void left by creator owned stuff like Image etc.

>He says, as Japan recycles the same plots, art styles and character designs

Superman and other legacy characters certainly have a rightful place in history which lives on, the problem is that there's little room left in the public eye for other superhero shit often times because the older properties take up so much space, and newer shit is often not well done.

Interesting, you accurately described the main reason why I like manga better than comics but still claims to like comics better.

Lot of dumb fucks ITT. The real reason why popular new properties are so rare is because there is zero incentive to create something new for Marvel or DC, because you don’t own it. All the best ideas get saved by creator owned comics, but creator owned comics outside of a handful of titles will never make the best sellers list. Only three creator owned titles could
>Spawn (its only on that list because of a “milestone issue”, normally it’s near the bottom of sales, kept alive only as a vanity project for its owner)
>The Walking Dead (which ended last year so will never show up on a list again)
>Saga (has been on hiatus for a year and no one knows when it’s returning)

Now, the real question isn’t East vs West, it’s creator owned vs corporate owned. And it should be obvious why Budweiser sells better than craft. They can throw a lot more money at the problem. Sales is almost always a marketing problem. Notice how the manga on that list is Shonen Jump? That’s the comparison you should be making.

I do like comics more overall but the newer comics are mostly not as good as the older comics, I like some Mangas too they have their virtues but I think they have their flaws too.

High quality product is in the eye of the beholder much like beauty but just like music, there's good and bad shit in every genre.

I also wonder why American comics hardly ever do a world building from scratch instead of adding fantasy elements to the real world, all big stories are about this world, but with super heroes. Meanwhile in manga there are things like Attack on Titan, FMA, Naruto, Huner x Huner or One Piece, they are heavly inspird on real life places, cultures or events, but still a whole new and unique world. I don't think one type of setting is better then the other, but I miss the variety on American titles.

>sense of consistency
>western comics
nigga what

>Attack on Titan, FMA, Naruto, Huner x Huner or One Piece
>new and unique

Read more comics

save for FMA I don't even lke them, my point is that they are not set in "this world and this time", I wish I could see more of that.

Who hurt you, OP?

American comics have never had more variety than they do now. Don’t make the common mistake of thinking comics are only superheroes.

There's a lot of injustice in the real world and I think comics for a lot of people are sort of a way of dealing with those problems on some level so as to empower people with fantasies of being able to change a shitty real world reality.

It's almost an unconcious reaction. If you read Action Comics #1 etc. It's clear that Superman was created to fight corporate greed and corporate corruption and injustice for example.

There's something to be said for pure fantasy sections of comics like Neil Gaiman's Sandman but ultimately I think it's more relevant to people if it ends up relating to themselves and reality on some level even if it's on some symbolic level.

Well... can you guys recommend a few ones? I have a lot of free time now

>The main problem is that large corporations have a stranglehold on the capeshit
This and the indie hero books are so cooporate/desperate to be bought by Hollywood or defeatist like theyre not confident in their own creations, resulting in many parodies, deconstructions, cameos, shared universe when the comic just started and so on..


>quote part of a post
>make no argument

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