Reverse Time


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No, he needs the sunhat.

Would have been a fun episode

>eternal /ss/
I'd say so. Also roleswaps are almost always fascinating.

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That is cute I would watch that

AUs can be fun.

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If this was bubblegum was actually portrayed as the villain, they wouldn't even have to change anything that she did. She's quite literally a mad scientist and an orwellian despot, all that's left is the show accepting those are bad things.

Also, Ice King would work well as the "Creepy-and-definetely-on-a-watchlist-but-still-good candy king"

Damn I wish the characters were like that. Would be a lot more interesting.

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This is so cute I love it op

He could be a day walker.

wowww marceline is prettty cute

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I would watch the fuck out of that

Maybe he's wearing sunscreen.

Not really

i don't think SJWs could allow that user

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yes. it'd be cute as fuck

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Does this mean Humie Marcy still falls for evil(er) PB?

Lateral move really.

Yes, she cucks Finn by doing his adoptive mother.

That would a wicked weird dynamic to explore. How often does the main character do her best-friend's mom? The banter would be hilarious.

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Wouldn't that be like Finn falling for Ice King?

there was a third one of these swapping Flame Princess and Slime Princess, wonder what some of the other swaps would be?

I'm not saying we should have gotten FinnXMarcy. But what I am saying is I've read tons of fanfics that gave us a better ending than the slop they eventually churned out.

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All unironically worse

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