Crush the Muties

>Crush the Muties
>See them driven before you
>And hear the lamentations of their X-Women

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Christ, Raimi.

But Tony is an X-Woman.

fuck you Iron Man

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>What happens in Hellfire Club stays in Hellfire Club

>Doom prefers the term “Cleansing”

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>has literally 0 Mutant “friends” let alone best friends
What did Tony mean by that?

Tony and Emma are friends and fuck buddies.

Have words lost their meaning?
They had a relationship once and that’s it.

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Hell no, who knows where those mutie women have been.

I don't want to catch anything

It’s “Spider-Man” and he’s a Mutate. Same as the Hulk and whatever else. Muties are different.
>what is Extremis

>he went from this to Slott’s “everyone’s an ambiguously brown hipster in a hijab”

Imagine being such a shitty person and lousy fuck that prominent manwhore and noted shitty person Tony Stark found you so reprehensible that his antipathy towards you extends to your entire identity group.

Emmafags BTFO! Or it's just Tony "Ginger Fever" Stark trying to get on Jean's good side through falseflagged Emmabashing.

Tony was with Emma when she was at the hellfire club, Jean wasn't involved.


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Based 90s Tony. I wanted to get this issue too. Fucking pandemic. One of the first things I do when I get out is buy a shitload of floppies from my LCS.

>Tony was with Emma when she was at the hellfire club,
It's just a "namedrop" in Civil War. According to Uncanny X-Men Annual #2 she didn't think much of him when she was White Queen. All we have of their interactions is that one panel from that Dark Reign one-shot of Emma recounting past relationships, which also says that Stark doesn't respect Scott because he finds him a beta bitch boy. And there's another instance in Gillen's Uncanny where they have dinner. They probably fucked a couple of times when he was younger and that was it. I don't think Tony cares about Frost bar thinking her a slut.
>Jean wasn't involved.
It's a joke, relax. Stark's got a thing for redheads in canon.
No Vic, you can't say the N-Word!

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I know he has a things for redhead. I even ship him with none. No, not the one you're thinking. Not the other one either. I like Tony, I don't think he has a hangup with Emma, I find having done the white queen a nice "medal" for him. I remember the issue where she says he looks like a movie star.

>No, not the one you're thinking. Not the other one either.
Eh, it's either Beth or Nat.
>I remember the issue where she says he looks like a movie star.
I have no recollection of that.

Nat. I meant not Pepper or Beth, I ship him with Nat.
>no recollection
What are anons for, if not helping other anons?

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>No Vic, you can't say the N-Word!

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Everyone always shits on Reed for getting “cucked” by Namor but it’s never happened, it IS however canon that Namor and Emma have fucked when she was with Scott. Scott is getting double cucked.

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Susan is a mother. And Reed fucks her ragged. Emma's eggs were harvested for the cuckoos. Have we seen any frames of her post-coital with Scott?

Iron Man enters the Mutie Annihilator 3000, lights and screens whirring to life as he settled into his life's work. "Well well" said Stark, entering the final sequence codes. "Look at the Muties pulling up to our fancy American annihilation field." Suddenly every mutant in the world was teleported in front of him, covering the isolated plain for miles and miles. "Pardon me" said Tony, firing up the laser cannons and nanoblades. Without warning, the NA3K fired off tactical nuclear weapons, targeted at the perimeter of the Mutie slaughter field, ensuring none would escape. The mech began moving, as Stark begins inputting commands. Miniguns tore Mutants to shreds, lasers vaporised entire villages worth. The monstrous machine projected a barrier around itself, disintegrating anyone who it flew near. Tactical destructo-discs and anti-personnel nanobots spread across the field, putting the works of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot combined to shame. Chain lightning fried one million Muggas in an instant, and in the next weather manipulation devices rained acid down on another million. Finally, he flew out into outer space and unsheathed JARVIS VI, his ultimate weapon. "Ultimate Attack: IRON GENOCIDE!" he yells as he blasted the field from orbit using his superweapon, killing every single "person" with a single drop of Mutant blood in an instant. It was a beautiful day, but Tony hadn't even brought out the Celestialstomper Omega yet

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Wanda and Pietro?