The main character/s of the last Yas Forums related media you watched/read is now a part of the One Piece world...

The main character/s of the last Yas Forums related media you watched/read is now a part of the One Piece world, what faction are they part off and what rank would they be? Also they're scaled to the universal standards so no stomping

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well I'm on a '94 Spider-man binge so...
Consdering that mild precognition is 500m+ bounties, he'd be at least there I suppose
Then there's super strength and agility, but I don't know how that scales to OP since everyone has those.
He has gizmos in his web-shooters and, again, it's a matter of scale. I suppose he'd be the type to mix in some seastone into his webs for devil-fruit users

They’d all work for Kaido.

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No buildings to swing off of, though.

Very funny.

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>Kingdoms rise and cities prosper, but Fishman Island is going down.

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What the fuck is Manta's deal anyways?

He hatex Aquaman and will play any and every angle possible.

He's based as fuck

I need pictures! Pictures of Strawhat!

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Big News

>Space Ghost: Coast to coast
I honestly have no idea how that would go but I'd love to see it

They'd probably make it to the New World on intellect and gadgets alone, but I can't really see them making it to Laugh Tale

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Morgans' human mode is super odd to see, ngl

I have no idea whatsoever.

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the WG keeps taking all my shit. Absolute justice my ass

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You deserve it for working under pirates.

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She would become one of the Supernovas, I guess? 200-300M bounty, maybe 450m if she's actual royalty here. From some Fairy Tail country, probably briefly run into Luffy and then be doing her own thing beyond the Grand Line.

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She'd be a Celestial Dragon, crushing lowly humans under her heel.

>Also they're scaled to the universal standards
Pssh nothing personal celestial dragons

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Why would she be a pirate?

If the only thing that takes away their powers is water how come they're all pirates? If my one weakness was water I'd be all like "Fuck that shit dude I'm living out in the woods." and then I'd do that. Dumb show, dumb thread.

Spider-sense would just be Observation Haki. Having Observation Haki doesn't grant you 500m+ bounty. Members of CP9 already had superhuman strength, durability, agility, and speed. And they were defeated by individuals with less bounties than 100m.

>more afraid of a drunk guy that apparently can't die and can turn into a huge dragon than guys that can use the power of lava, light, ice and gravity

He'd be part of the revolutionaries.

what bounty do you think lord drakkon would have?

>how come they're all pirates
Because the world is like 95% water and the central government is awful
Also water only takes away powers obtained from a specific source, there are other powers that aren't affected by water.

Kaido wouldn't tolerate them. They wouldn't even be that useful to Kaido. That's assuming Kaido doesn't kill them.

There's pretty much no continents on their world. The only reliable means of transportation is by ship.

An autist retard that is only alive because Aquaman is a pansy.

No single admiral can take Kaido.

>Kaido wouldn't tolerate them
Kaido doesn't care. As long as they don't interfere with him personally they can do whatever they want, Kaido will recruit literally anyone and forget about it after his next drinking session.

Why not be a land bandit wherever you first get your powers? Just set up shop wherever as long as it's not a boat.

Kaido's the kind of autist that would take them just because they go with his card theme.

>Crocodile, whose power was sand, took over a desert kingdom and hoarded all sources of water for this specific reason, and even had the ability to drain moisture from anything, even living creatures
If Luffy hadn't been covered in blood...

that's where you're wrong bucko

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Rape the Joker and I, Captain Gordon of the Navy will speak to the World Government on your behalf.

why do Yas Forumsfags feel a need to migrate to Yas Forums so much?

Ambitious pirates wouldn't be happy on a single island. Also, there's no way to find the One Piece without sailing.

When was she ever shown to be a competent combatant?

It's a well known fact that any thread is better in another board than in their homeboard.

Sounds smart as fuck, is he like the big bad guy of the series or something? Makes sense that way I guess.

Specifically seawater.

>seventy-something elderly man dying of (probably) tuberculosis and suffering numerous wounds just completely dominates you until a bunch of convicts show up to finish him off for you
At least he actually killed Ace. He wasn't aimong for him at the time, but a kill's a kill.

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He'd dominate. He might work with Germa and Vegapunk to create an analogue of Ultron, too.

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Naw, the main bad is a guy that has two powers, despite it being established that having more than one will kill you.
That Crocodile guy is an anti-hero of sorts now.

You don't see Superman threads on Yas Forums.

Rusty would be on the same level as Vegapunk working for the Marines or just by himself. Brock would work for the Marines as a Cipher Pol.

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It's all water, according to the author. Seastone is the most common counter because it's solid and easier to use.

>Why not be a land bandit
Too limiting. OP operates on typical shounen logic so adventuring equals meeting and fighting tougher enemies equals getting stronger. The vast majority of islands are tiny so heading out to sea is the only way to do that.
And the power source are either magic fruits called Devil Fruits that appear in random places but are mostly concentrated in one specific strip of super dangerous sea that goes around the equator, or can only be unlocked by going through great effort and trial such as fighting for your life.

Because Superman is honestly irrelevant outside of Yas Forums you retarded superfag.

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He was the first seriously bad guy. He only lost because he ended up losing his cool and started fighting hand to hand instead of spamming his hax attacks.
I think I've seen Moomin threads there