For me, it's Ozymandias

For me, it's Ozymandias

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for me, it's sneed


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>be a literal god
>still get dabbed on by a human who outsmarts you with his brilliant plan which you're forced to go along with
Is there anything Ozy can't do?

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Prevent the oncoming Nuclear holocaust.

He did, as we saw in the brilliant HBO Watchmen adaptation.

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what was the point of this comic ?

Superman wank, of course.
Oh, and to show us that almost a decade of hyping the Doc would result in some talk no jutsu

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I’m disappointed in you Adrian.

It was an attempt to say the New 52 was bad on purpose and that now the writers are the good guys again because they appreciate “old” stuff like Watchmen and LoS.

Kind of ironic because Bendis and King proceeded to immediately shit up the Big Two at around the same time.

>literal god
With the intellect of a average atomic scientist. Doesnt mean this god is clever.

>HBO Watchmen
How did that turn out? Better or worse than the movie did?

Execution and a handfull of twist or visual ideas were good.
Bad was that they not really understood Watchmen and did the opposite with hamfisted wokeness as well plotholes for the sake of twist.

Worse.far worse.

>the New 52 was bad on purpose and that now the writers are the good guys
Yeah, I heard that before when it was Geoff Johns and Grant Morrison saying that. Guess what ended up happening. Twice.

That seems close to impossible considering what a worthless hackjob that movie was.

>Non-Moore Watchmen
He pushed the clock back a few minutes mate that's it, pic related

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>worthless hackjob
It's the movie equivalent of most modern anime adaptations.
Read: ridiculously uncreative and slavishly faithful to the material, except that the few spots where it isn't completely faithful brings down the whole damn enterprise

can you explain the context of this scene? I only read the og comic

>ridiculously uncreative and slavishly faithful to the material
I wouldn't say it was faithful hardly at all, it wasn't just points here or there that were bad-- it just didn't have the soul of Watchmen at all.

They killed Ozymandias off like that wtf DC

See Hes not actually that create. Hes sn incredibly intelligent but deluded person thinking he was capable of solving humanities problems alone.

DC doing a cheap cash in with one of their popular franchises

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Bit of both. The movie is awful because it's a complete hackjob by a shitty director that doesn't understand the source material whatsoever. The show has a bit more creativity behind it but as sequel it's fucking awful and also doesn't really understand the source material.

I don't know, tell me

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hehe from the catalog looked like he have big bald head hehe

>Hes sn incredibly intelligent but deluded person thinking he was capable of solving humanities problems alone.
This just makes me feel like the Comedian is at fault here for pushing Ozy down the path of lonely nihilism. Clearly he as a lone intelligent man was capable of so much on his own, if he had collaborated with others I'm sure Veidt could have come up with a solution that wasn't so... mass murder-y.

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Didn't he place Dr Manhattan with Laurie and Dan? Dan an Laurie were rounded characters in Watchmen, and now they're cartoon plot characters like Kents. Where did Johns get the idea that Dan and Laurie would be some great ideal parents?

Don't ask me dude. I'm still cringing for that Manhattan Jr called Clark