Men of Yas Forums: Mutie Edition

Men of Yas Forums: Mutie Edition

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No. Ultron-5 rejects all disgusting mutants.

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Based Ultron

Iron Man enters the Mutie Annihilator 3000, lights and screens whirring to life as he settled into his life's work. "Well well" said Stark, entering the final sequence codes. "Look at the Muties pulling up to our fancy American annihilation field." Suddenly every mutant in the world was teleported in front of him, covering the isolated plain for miles and miles. "Pardon me" said Tony, firing up the laser cannons and nanoblades. Without warning, the NA3K fired off tactical nuclear weapons, targeted at the perimeter of the Mutie slaughter field, ensuring none would escape. The mech began moving, as Stark begins inputting commands. Miniguns tore Mutants to shreds, lasers vaporised entire villages worth. The monstrous machine projected a barrier around itself, disintegrating anyone who it flew near. Tactical destructo-discs and anti-personnel nanobots spread across the field, putting the works of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot combined to shame. Chain lightning fried one million Muggas in an instant, and in the next weather manipulation devices rained acid down on another million. Finally, he flew out into outer space and unsheathed JARVIS VI, his ultimate weapon. "Ultimate Attack: IRON GENOCIDE!" he yells as he blasted the field from orbit using his superweapon, killing every single "person" with a single drop of Mutant blood in an instant. It was a beautiful day, but Tony hadn't even brought out the Celestialstomper Omega yet

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Fucking X'ed weirdos and their geneplay fetish.

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Do mutants livestream their krakoan orgies

>Men of Yas Forums
Nice! Here's the big boys chart

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What do the two bottom rows mean, user

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Muties eh?

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You damn well know that's not how it works. Any "-buster" suit gets somewhere between 30-45 seconds of action then gets wrecked.

>all those orgies happening at Krakoa
Who's tapping who, actually?

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You just know..

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>X- gon' give it to ya!


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God, I hope so

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Bring him back

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>Wanda barely able to control herself
God, I wish that was me

Wanda is a commited robosexual. anyone else would be on their knees instantly

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That's a lot of metal to have inside...

>Instagram male thot pose and gestures
So much for breaking stereotypes, Marvel

His first costume was practically a gogo boy's uniform

It's from Robles slut calendar.

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are you saying Bobby isn't so much of a fuckboy to not do that?

To be attracted to a mutant is illogical. When I purge the earth of sentient life you mutant sympathizers shall be the first to go.

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>Leave the hot guys around, if Charles' brainwashing sticks they're not going to reproduce anyway.
Also, hijack Tony's body again and give him back those tits. Unironically your greatest acomplishment

Well thank you I am quite flattered when I get around to killing you I will do it semi quickly and if you wish I can do it in the "Janet form"

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Wade is used to it.
Bullets, blades, shrapnel. A few metal dicks is nothing to write home about for him.

hmph, dumb tincan. you can't even kill two fake muties

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God, I miss Ultimate Colossus. Fuck Coleite and his shitty retcon.

>male Wanda
>He still has the cleavage
Holy based

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