Demon themes in indi animations

Why are SO MANY independent animated projects created by famous online animators related to hell/demonds? It's almost a requirement at this point.

Some examples off the top of my head
>Hazbin Hotel/Hevual boss
>Welcome to hell
>Voo dont
>Becky Prim
>Hell Benders
>Leo & Satan
>Flex caliber

Any logical explanations/theories for the phenomenon?

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They realized onanism is a sin and fear for their souls.

Because demons are cool

Are most of the creators Jewish? Cause that would explain a lot.

Gods a faggot for outlawing fapping

I know zach hadle is

>because demons are cool

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>Killing your offspring deliberately

I'm assuming it's because Hell and the stories surrounding it already have established lore and its easy to extrapolate.

What if Satan was the boss at my job?What would his personality be? I married a demon somehow? How will I react? What crazy stuff can you do with magic and demons from hell?

It's easy to set the framework for a series with a topic that already has details behind it.

>thinking sperm is offspring

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Who cares?

>he doesnt think red horned monsters are cool

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Just an observation. It's quite a strange coincidence you must admit.

equating jizz to a late term fetus.
this. It's world building from a relatable template, which is easier than world building from scratch.
only about 1% of the world is jewish, and no. OP might not know the origin of that pic and I'm hoping he used it out of ignorance.

That 1% also happens to rule the world.

Zack said on Sleepycast both of his parents are Catholic

Most cool angel/God stuff is found in judaism and islam.
The cool stuff christianity offers is hell, and since most creators are american and christian, that's what they stick with.

Jews dont rule the world

Whatever you say, my dude.

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obvious Yas Forums tried to be stealth Yas Forums, but they're just /poltards.

He isn't a Jew??

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Well, since most indie cartoonists mentioned live in a post-Christian society most people know demons and tropes associated with them but don't actually believe in them or fear them. And even some those who do believe in them don't necessarily think that an cartoon represation of a fiend can somehow magically spread their influence.
Usually demons in cartoons either represent villainous force that can be destroyed without any moral dilemmas (kinda like nazis and vampires) or they are dark reflection of humanity itself. For first example, Leo and Satan (from, what, ten years ago?) is a dark comedy where Satan is both terrifying and goofy and causes evil and destruction with his presence and that is the fun part (naturally humour is subjective). And for latter case, in Hazbin Hotel none of the main cast are fallen angels except Vaggie but souls of the damned humans.
Also, demons are and have always been very fun to draw. Hieronymus Bosch and even Jack Chick clearly enjoy playing with grotesque shapes and animal parts when they create these monsters. Also usually you have, as an artist, more freedom with demons than with angels. C. S. Lewis intended angelic counterpart for The Screwtape Letters was cancelled because he didn't know how to write a celestial version about infernal bureocracy.
tl;dr, demons can be interesting characters when done right and monsters in general are fun to draw.

>only about 1% of the world is jewish,
yet 95% of the entertainment industry

This was ahead of its time:

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i was always bummed he didnt turn all that flash cartoon experience into a real industry job
dude was in on the ground floor

Mostly because they built it. You’re doing the same thing as bitching about how there aren’t more black people working as computer coders

the internet thinks hell, satan,demons, etc. are edgy, therefore cool. angsty dorks eat that shit up.
its not that complicated

Plus the lore is public domain. If Batman or Spider-Man were public domain there would be a lot of indie animators using them.

edgefags eat up anything related to demons. anime has been doing it for years.

>Are most of the creators Jewish?

What are you getting at?

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>Mostly because they built it.
pretty sure walt disney wasnt jewish, bub