I want more of this comic

Mainly in the little kid time.

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It was comfy as fuck while Conway was on it, but the ending of Spider-Girls made me want a comic where Annie and Mayday have multiversal adventures

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Is RYVs still going?

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no it was canceled for spiderverse, though supposedly that new spiderverse comic that no one was buying was about miles trying to find what happened to annie so I wouldn't be surprised if her family was killed off for shock value

No, but the universe still exists.

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Annie has good taste, though I don't get what these companies have against having kid characters

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The people who run both DC and Marvel view it as aging up their characters which they don’t want but in reality that notion is stupid

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>Sand Man always being a genuinely nice dude down on his luck.
Always my favorite version of him.

Its so weird how desperate they are to never give the characters any meaningful character progression anymore but they seem terrified to actually have young characters stay young. Though as much as I like annie I'd prefer them to bring mayday back with a good writer

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I'd be down with Houser writing a Mayday series. I wasn't expecting a lot out of her or the timeskip but I feel like she made the best of it and was still able to write a pretty good book (and the Peter/MJ cruise issue was great) and she did a good job on Spider-Girls.

>Portraying a healthy white family with kids
You may as well try and pitch a comic about murdering puppies

user, it was actually published within these comics.

I honestly wouldn’t mind having both and actually being sisters, much like how I really want Damian to have sibling adventures with Helena or John to have adventures with Conner Chris or Cir-el

35-60 year old balding dudes with arrested development that are going through a mid-life crisis don't want superheroes being past their late 20's or having families.

Marvel's obsession with Spider-Man being young is a good example because they keep destroying any character development and relationships he has gained throughout the years because they want him to stay young and naive and think the character is about that. It's telling that Spider-verse aged Peter to his mid 30's and put him in a situation the character isn't traditionally in and managed to make it work and people liked it. Because maybe the core of the character isn't about being a young kid and it's about growth learning and being responsible.

Pic related is what the average Marvel Editor thinks about Spider-Man.

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It’s honestly weird how Marvel and DC want legacy characters but don’t want the natural progression To do it, like I think the only good legacy in ANAD Marvel was actually X-23 because it felt like it was a natural progression for both Logan and her

Houser did fine even with the timeskip, the worse part of her issues were the art, but it’s hard to follow Stegman


>ywn get comfy comics about siblings adventure

It hurts so much

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you wanna prove him wrong rather than poorly deflecting?

It's not like we're in a thread about RYV or anything.

White is such a bad editor. How do you get to that position while having little to no understanding of the various characters?

Like I said I think she'd do a good job on a Mayday book. Wonder if she'd go about fixing Peter's death unless she did that already in Spider-Girls.

Honestly, Spider-Family is a great idea. I especially love how armored little Annie's costume was. Shame I missed the last few issues. Last I checked they were fighting Mole Man?

oh is this book still going? Does clark still have his family? Is batman married? These small stories pop up and as much as I like RYV it only exists because slott seems to have a hate boner for mayday

Characters being white has nothing to do with fucking anything, it's obvious that the reason why some writers don't like families is because that completely changes the status quo and you actually have to make the characters grow up.