Since the success of Joker, should Marvel/DC do more "dark" movies?

Not edgy, just dark.

I would die for a movie of Lex Luthor president with house of cards style having to deal with Superman as antagonist (antagonist, not villain)

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Marvel are too big of pussies. Even after the success of Joker, Deadpool and Venom (which backed off its R rating) the Venom sequel is also not going to be R rated and will focus more on Eddie and Venom's relationship. They're fucking stupid.

>Lex is doing his usual scummy thing then he turns around to look out the white house window and Clark's just floating there in front of him starring at him like he just caught Lex peeing in an alleyway.

>Citizen Luthor
>One flew over the Akhane nest
>The Good, The bad and Jonah Hex
>Black gate redemtion
> The Silence of the Hugo Strange
>Sinistro wars
>Seven Rogues
>Black Manta and Ocean mster:Master and Commander: The Far Side of the Atlantis
>Planet of gorilla grodd
>Deathstroke:Judgment Day

If they want to actually try to do an original film instead of a derivative, slapdash adaptation of more renowned films like Joker is, sure.
otherwise the best we're gonna get is this shit.

Its a shame that the best parts of the Joker movie are basically unrelated to anything in the DC universe.
then again the people arguing for dark and edgy capeshit are manchildren and brainlets that thirst for more "intellectual" content but are afraid to explore anything unless its got capeshit in it.

How incredibly subtle.

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>>Seven Rogues
Okay. This actually has some merit. I can just imagine the Rogues running a protection racket when all of a sudden Flash goes missing. Mysterious creatures are running amok in Central City, and now the Rogues are being called upon to actually provide protection as Rooftop Koreans move into town and local businesses and citizens are arming up.

jeff bezo going sicko mode

Yeah but this was made back in 2000.

tony pls go

rogues would be kino

The relevant lesson, which I'm all but certain the executives down at WB will fail to learn, is that they should be more willing to experiment and make movies that don't fit into the cape movie paradigm that the MCU established. That might mean more dark movies, but it might also mean leaning more into the crazier, more colorful side of comics that Marvel has been unwilling to really commit to.

Remember, this isn't the first time that DC has seen success with a movie that was much darker than its contemporaries -- it happened before with The Dark Knight. The people in charge thought to themselves "Well I guess that means we should make our superhero movies dark now :D", which I blame for the rocky start to their own cinematic universe.

I mean, people forget this, but the first round of Marvel movies had at least a little personality of their own and utilized characters that, at the time, you might not expect to see in a major blockbuster.

user, try speaking in money and quarterly projection and then maybe they will understand

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I was talking about the President Luthor storyline.

No joke, I'd be down for a Doom movie that's followed up by a new Fantastic 4.

>The Good, The bad and Jonah Hex
I know you were trying to depress me, but a Jonah Hex Spaghetti Western would be hype as fuck.

Would "Lex Luthor: Man of Steel" make for a good Black Label film?

After the BVS and Justice League debacle. DC is 'quarantining' the darker elements of the DC universe to a new 'DC Black Label' movie series. Where they can allow directors more creative freedom than they would otherwise be allowed to in a mainstream Superhero movie like Aquaman or Shazam.

DC is going to make more dark DC movies, it's just they're not going to make the actual 'cinematic universe' movies dark after the BVS and Justice League backlash from hardcore fans.

Lex Luthor as played by Scarlett Johansen

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>which I blame for the rocky start to their own cinematic universe.

"Rocky Start' is an understatement, and it damaged the image of who was supposed to be the center of the DC universe that all the really important shit circled around. Now we're going to have to wait at least another ten to twenty years for a proper Superman Vs Darkseid movie because of this shit. Assuming that ever happens at all.

Fuck. At this point I'd take a decent Standalone Superman Trilogy without a cinematic universe.

There is an 'Alexis Luthor' in the Legion Of Superheroes timeline. hell personally I think that would make for a better Supervillain than President Luthor. You could make her Hillary Clinton to Lex Luthors Donald Trump.

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>she's bald

IDK if that will play well with audiences, unless you want to cast Natalie Portman

She wasn't always bald, it was the radiation poisoning from trying to kill Superman that turned her bald.
Besides, Hillary clintons hair looked pretty fucking fake at times in the 90s.

>rogues crime film
nic cage as captain cold
Sofia Beautella as Golden Glider

The entire film never mentions Glider is Cold's sister. The Viewer just think hes a creepy and obsessed with an ice skater.
She gets caught up in some mob stuff and Captain Cold kills everyone. Film ends with him leaving her a note and a sudden flashback explaining how he's her long lost brother who was kicked out of the house when she was a kid and he was a teen delinquent

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>I would die for a movie of Lex Luthor president with house of cards style having to deal with Superman as antagonist (antagonist, not villain)

I think after the backlash to the LAST 'dark and gritty' superman movie, they should keep superman far far away from anything that isn't Marvel level saccharine.

yes that storyline was great but this cover only popped up after trump got elected. Also Luthor could be a great president sure he's evil but he's a genius

>Middle of the film
>No appearances of the Man of Steel in the film at this point, Lex has been using his power to get away with some shady shit
>Lex is in his apartment, pouring himself a drink
>Extreme close-up of him taking a sip
>Puts down his drink and suddenly his face suddenly goes from calm/neural to an angry scowl
>Slow pan across to see Superman hovering just outside his window, arms crossed, eyes glowing
Would be kino

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I think the better takeaway would be that not everything needs to be a part of a larger cinematic universe, and that they should take chances on filmmaker-controlled projects. There are decades-worth of ideas to mine. Let the ideas shine.
If the material calls for something dark, don't kid-ify it. If it is something more light and family friendly, don't squeeze in unnecessary edge or sarcasm.

Oliver stones Luthor

This was the original cover to Lex Luthor the unauthorized biography which came out in 89. Trumpcucks are absolutely hilarious, and always casuals. What a retard.

Attached: Lex Luthor Unauthorized biography.jpg (799x1200, 161.48K)

so there was a parody cover done back in 89 for a completely different book and having the cover applied to a different story released 10 years later is something I should know? I don't even like trump but I dislike you about as much as him

>a completely different book
Lex Luthor the Unauthorized Biography is included in that trade which includes a variety of stories where Lex is the protagonist, you absolute fucking retard. Dig it a little deeper faggot
>always casual

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