Daily reminder based Zemo destroyed the Avengers

Daily reminder based Zemo destroyed the Avengers.

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That was zemo in name only, another totally forgettable MCU villain

Can we get a Zemo version of that rubbing face feelsgood meme

>Only mcu villian whose plan unilaterally worked and wasn't undone

They were literally packing up the Avengers Tower by Spider-Man, by War they were just a bunch of separate groups and they never remanded formally even post Thanos. This guy hated the Avengers and worked our a keikaku that permanently dissembled them.

>Another white male in his 40s as a villain.

Based Zemo almost got anal raped by Black Panther because of daddy issues.

Didn't his whole plan hinge on Stark having an emotional over-reaction to seeing that Captain America's brainwashed friend was brainwashed and used to carry out an assassination? And that the group that did it was one that Captain America has spent his whole life fighting?

I recall this being one of the distinctly weaker films.

Winter Soldier leaked Hydra info and he was already a secret agent. So he was basically just digging up what was set up in Cap 2.

I'm pretty sure it was Cap that destroyed The Avengers.
Compromises Tony offered Steve:
>If we don't do this now, it'll be done to us against our will later
>We don't have to listen to Shield or Hydra, but we should listen to the UN
>I know Bucky is innocent, and we can put him an a US Mental Facility where he can get help and be safe
>I had to convince Ross to send us after you and not a team of kill-sanctioned operatives
>Sign the accords for show, and we can amend and fix them later
>I flew all the way out to Siberia alone, going against the accords, because I learned the truth about Zemo and want to help you

Compromises Steve offered Tony
>404 error

Zemo's entire plan relied on Steve being a self-righteous jackass, which luckily for him, Steve was.

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>Only mcu villian whose plan unilaterally worked and wasn't undone
>Wanted to destroy the avengers
>Avengers work together once more right after
>Avengers influence is now bigger than ever with more members and funding

Filler villain

okay.. except
>The main impetus behind the Sokovia accord were...Sokovia blowing up

> tony continued with the ultorn program despite most people warning him against it, chief among them, Steve

> Tony as usual thinks he knows better than everyone, and admittedly through circumstances he couldnt predict Ultron went nuts and destroyed an entire country

> Tony still doesnt give a shit really until a woman confronts him in a hallway and makes him come to terms his actions have consequences, and he got people killed

> immediately sells out the teams due to his own hubris, and threats to turn the team into a special task force for the military basically

> steve who has been a soldier and just took down hydra knows thats a stupid fucking idea, and they will kill his best friend unless he breaks some rules

Tony did the right things for the wrong reasons entirely too late.
Fuck Tony, he was an egotistical sociopath until the day he died.

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His whole plan hinged on a global intelligence organisation falling for a rubber mask and a wig

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Too bad he is in the worst movie where they make the characters stupid and act out of character.

It relied on Tony behaving in self-centered and short-sighted ways when emotional? Sounds like a pretty reliable plan. Just like how bringing Bucky into the conflict was a pretty reliable way to put Captain America at odds with the system.


Except Steve literally manage to find evidence it is all a set up and Tony's answer to that is "I am too angry to listen, let's do that fight we teased in the trailer."

Those aren't compromises, they're attempts at recruitment tactics. Once part of the team signed, the UN and its most powerful governments already had a powerful bargaining position, while Tony had given up theirs. He decided that majority being pro-signing, which is kind of a cheat anyway, as he showed up just to voice his opinion after being retired and not fighting alongside the team, meant the rest would fall in line, and he kept up this expectation. He felt guilty and ashamed, and thus gave up the pull that they had by being an independent team that had saved the world before. With a lack of unified response to the accords that they could all agree on, like say, pushing for amendments to improve their status before they sign, while the governments are still desperate to look like they have the powerful independent people under control, they hand the UN the valuable status upgrade of being the body that the team "The Avengers" answers to, and any team members not complying are rogue Avengers, not the official team. And Tony only offered Cap opportunities to follow his lead in complying with this, with some token assurances that things might be changed later. And it's really funny that you mentioned the ending where Tony flies out to Siberia to help Cap, because Cap never refuses that help, they go together to defeat the bad guy, until Tony finds out information that makes him flip out on Cap and Bucky. Cap is perfectly willing to work with Tony, just not to sell out his entire point of view for momentary convenience, and hold onto the tenuous idea that they still have power.

Everyone close to Tony knows he's an emotional wreck who hides it with snark. Zemo just knew what buttons to press.

>Compromises Steve offered Tony
Never compromise to tyranny you bootlicking faggot


Unironically would bang

His look is actually great now with the Mask.

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His plan worked perfectly. It took Thanos for the Avengers to get back together, although it never really felt like they had broken up in the movies right before IW.

Hope there's another Cap trilogy with Sam and Bucky wacky adventures.

Ultimatums and compromises are not the same thing you fucking retard.

The mask is actually a symbolic Thanos mask and he's part of a cult or group that thinks Thanos did the right thing which is why he was going to develop or release a virus to kill more people, this plot line supposedly got removed because of corona virus but it's old news, maybe they'll put it back in since the production stopped and corona is going to be old news by the time this releases, which is going to be late 2021

That's... I don't know how to feel about that. It's a pointless departure from his character, and so it's probably a stupid idea, but on the other hand it kinda explains why his mask looks like Thanos's chin (which is something I've neither wondered about nor cared about before this moment).

Whatever. I'm just looking forward to Zemo getting more screen time.

A compromise isn't always possible.
What's the mid-point between "X wants to be independent" and "Y wants X to be ruled by 10 bureaucrats"? Having X be ruled by 5 bureaucrats? It's the 'mid-point', but in actuality X loses 100% of what you wanted/

>The entire Ultron debacle
First off, Tony only dusted the Ultron project off because Wanda messed with his head in the name of revenge that doesn't make a lick of sense. Had Wanda not existed, Tony would never have brought the Ultron project up.
Secondly, Ultron was more a product of the mind stone than Tony himself. If it's fair to brush Loki and Bucky's actions off because they were forced/manipulated, then it's completely fair to say that Ultron was not Tony's fault like everyone says it was. Ultron was Wanda's fault, and I wish someone acknowledged that.

The airport fight happened because Tony intercepted Steve who was going to Siberia to potentially face 5 Winter Soldiers. 6 if Zemo got Bucky under his control. Considering Cap's roster of mostly average humans (two of which wouldn't be much help in an enclosed space, Clint and Falc), that plan would have either had heavy casualties or completely failed. If Steve had been sensible and told Tony when he found out, Tony would have determined that that's pretty important, and taken all of the Avengers to Siberia. Considering Tony's team are more bulletproof than Cap's the fight would have gone much better.
Steve not communicating with Tony, or even seeing him as a person, drove the whole thing.

When 117 Nations say, "we don't feel safe around you," and you essentially say, "fuck you, I know better than all of you," you are a selfish douchebag.

Tony went with the Accords because he knew that the Avengers needed to be together because something worse was coming. Lo and behold he was completely right. Tony's only mistake was thinking he could work with Ross, and even then, Tony deliberately disobeyed the Accords to go help Steve in Siberia, and then was shown that his parents were murdered, and the stress of all the shit he's put up with for the past few weeks snaps because Steve lied to him about it for years.

And Steve's ""apology"" letter was complete bullshit.

I'm just speculating, but come on it's pretty obvious, he has a purple mask that sort of resembles Thanos, the plot line of a virus which is something that can kill masses of people, just like Thanos did

It sounds silly but considering they have to give him a reason to wear a purple mask, in universe, it makes sense for him to be the leader of a group of forum dwellers who commit domestic terrorism and think Thanos was a hero

All This, all the time.

>we can amend after
>we can help you after
>it could be worse
Sounds like something a negotiator would say while in a hostage situation, while a 10 man SWAT team closes in from behind and a sniper aims from the rooftops.
Empty promises even Stark couldn't guarantee

literally jump off a tall stack of dirt bricks in minecraft

>worst movie
thats not dark world

>When 117 Nations say,
From what I remember (which is vague because I don't rewatch the marvel movies all that often. I think I've seen the first Iron man movie 4 times in 12 years), the avengers were still seen as heroes.
Therefore that statement should be 'when 117 national leaders say'.
And fuck 117 national leaders, they're power-grasping faggots