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What debate?
Visor on duty glasses off duty.

The fact that he can't control his eyebeams was always really dumb. Like he already has a kind of shit tier power, being unable to avoid blasting the fuck out of everything was dumb too. You can't tell me he wouldn't sneeze and accidentally drop his glasses and murder have his class on accident one day. Or roll over in bed and brush his thing off his face and wake up and sizzle his partner.

I feel like Marsden could have stepped up to the plate and given us a really good Cyclops if the writers gave him some material to work with. But he was pretty much cucked into being a side character from day one in favor of Logan.

>Like he already has a kind of shit tier power
you take that back

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Donut Lord, but like said, he was doomed from the start thanks to Bryan Singer gayness for Huge Jackedman

I'm surprised nobody has ever really done anything with lack of control. He's the leader of the X-Men but the only one who can't control his powers. Even Rogue got a handle on her shit eventually, but not Cyke.

He has physical brain damage, I think he got healed for a minute. It's usually just used to make a point about his discipline though.

They should go the extra mile and have the visor permanently attached to his face.

But that would rob the writers of easy "villain takes Cyclops' visor" drama.

He had a pretty substantial role in the first movie. People forget he was the one who took down Magneto in that.

X2 purposefully sidelined him and Xavier to have the team be forced to fight without their leaders, and he was supposed to have a big role in X3 before Marsden signed up for Superman Returns and became unavailable for filming, forcing them to kill off Scott.

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It got retconned to something mental in the 90s. He was fine in Search for Cyclops until he started getting his memories back.

Marsden is better, but I found Sheridan surprisingly tolerable, especially in "Dark Phoenix".

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Marsden's a really underrated actor, but like you said Cyclops was destined to be a supporting character at best

>The fact that he can't control his eyebeams was always really dumb. Like he already has a kind of shit tier power, being unable to avoid blasting the fuck out of everything was dumb too.
That's actually from a head injury when he fell out of the plane as a kid

best cyclops design

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He's so non-threatening, though. The audience literally laughed at this line.

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>the Great Debate
Both were boring trash and Singer's couchbuddies. What's even to debate, lmao

You could argue AvX was partly about that.

In another life, Marsden would be a big name leading man. He's got the looks, I think he has the talent. He just doesn't have that IT factor. Although I don't think it's too late for him just yet. If he finds it within the next decade.

he hasnt sucked circumsized jew dick. same with GOAT casper van dien.

>he hasnt sucked circumsized jew dick

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Poor Cyclops gets no respect. Both of them were fine, I thought.

They're too handsome. Handsome leads do well on TV, but poorly in movies because movies like casting leading men with some idiosyncrasy or quirk in their appearance, if they're not gay at least. Its similar to why Jon Hamm could never transition to film.

Y'know what. i just remembered it was directed by brian singer.

i honestly think it's a typecast thing. American actors play themselves playing the character. Like jack black in anything.
Brits go full retard method.

Neither of them did it for me

Singer doesn't go after the leads, he targets twink aspiring actors whom he can coerce into sex in exchange for bit parts in his films. He's more likely to have harrassed the random student extras than Marsden or Jackman.

Marsden and it's not even close

Why do they both have plush lips?

>He's more likely to have harrassed the random student extras than Marsden or Jackman.
>Dropping both of them, ever
So he has shit taste

Why do you think?