The Wuzzles was a good show

The Wuzzles was a good show

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Imagine being that chair
Butterbear was never as cute as she was in this episode ever again

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True. Totally underated. Gummi Bears Is the one people remember the most.

>that split second frame where both her legs shoot up


Imagine the smell of that chair

>imagine her sitting on your face

i never noticed how cartoons such as this and tiny toons had some very minor anime influence

A lot of 70s-90s American cartoons were animated in Japan

ah, so that could explain why they have those anime scenes.
also bumblelion is cute, something about his face makes him look so perfect

>The inricate detail on the folds
I can just imagine the japanese man who drew this creaming himself

>japan has anti-fat laws nowadays
He probably hung himself

maybe americans caused the japanese to develop weird fetishes that they exploit today

much of the animation direction was done by the late yoshifumi kondo, so attention to detail's expected.

>"Our birthrate is declining please fuck."
>"Wait you want to be horny when you're fucking? Thats disgusting."

No they don't. Also considering the influx of fat fetish mangas recently it wouldn't even make sense.

Maybe it'll work if they stop fapping to their 2D waifus and try to get a real woman.

How would a reboot work?

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Probably just like this
These designs are adorable

it won't, specially not with that ugly style

>ugly style
It's because of Hoppo and Butterbear's hair, right?

besides that bumblelion looks cringe, like some poor copy of Spike from mlp


Yeah, I definitely agree with you on that count as well. I mean those designs have some skill in them, but they would be much better under at least another revision or two (ie. making them more closer to the original Willie Ito adaptations)

exactly, the original has more soul. the one in looks like good but so boring

were cartoon animators in the 80s and 90s horny 24/7?

shit like that gave me a fetish for big women

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they spend all day animating, they needed to vent off somehow

They're animators, so it's natural they seak some urges under the guise of a few "gags".

Her design, and select others, helped me realize how important knowledge of proportional contrast is, and how it can result in an appealing design if done right.

>Also considering the influx of fat fetish mangas recently it wouldn't even make sense.
Such as?

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but 2D is superior to 3DPD in every possible way

People would complaint, the usual suspects would defend it, it is forgotten within months.