How would Superman fare in the Night Land?
How would Superman fare in the Night Land?
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>No sun
Probably not great
Well, the sun is still physically there in a sense. It's just a dead and festering corpse. If he tries, he might be able to jump out towards it.
Of course, that's assuming he doesn't draw every single Eater to him for miles trying.
>Well, the sun is still physically there in a sense. It's just a dead and festering corpse.
I don't think that counts as a yellow sun for the purposes of his powers.
It’s too bad there’s not a comic adaption of this.
It probably doesn't. But even the Forger's dead world took a little while to wither him down into a decaying corpse, and he was still decently powerful until he reached a point where he was visibly rotting.
His real issue will come from the fact that not only is such a powerful soul outside of the Redoubt a fucking death sentence, but the fact that he wouldn't be subtle. He'd make noise, whether by calling out or by trying to leave. And that's going to draw more pneumavores to him than you could shake a stick at, in fucking tides at the very least.
His abilities would nullified and he'd be normal for his build. I don't know what this story is about but he'd probably be fine as anyone else or better since he's got years of experience to go off of.
Pretty much this. The only way Supes *might* be surviving is if he can get to the Redoubt without getting fucking raped into oblivion by anything between him and it, get past the veritable horde that is almost always surrounding it, manage to have the psychic resistance to not get instantly BTFO by the House of Silence, get through the air clog safely, and finally convince them to let him in, which is only happening if he can broadcast the Master Word, which he does not have.
All in all: he's fucked.
It's basically the ur-cosmic horror story.
Sun is dead, local bullshit seems mainly magical, barring major bullshit he’s pretty fucked.
He survives exactly as long as it remains entertaining to the Watching Things. So a good long lifetime, maybe a hundred years of struggling against the inevitable.
Best version of the Night Land to read?
A Story Retold if you don't want to struggle through prose so purple it made even Lovecraft balk.
Considering the Things in the Night have means to ensure he can survive whilst suffering in perpetuity, it would not be a pleasant lifetime.
I'd like a pdf dl link, please.
Check this thread:
Thanks guy. I'm out of nice things to read.
No problem user.
Superman lives exactly as long as it takes a Watcher to decide to Destroy him. So, maybe a couple minutes to a year or so, if he's lucky.
Check out the original either way, however. There's minute changes between it and Retold and it helps to see why exactly they changed Retold as they did.
Bump for interest.
God, who cares.
This is genuinely one of my favorite settings of all time, I wish it got more love. TLN is basically a grimdark 70s prog rock concept album. Hell, you've even got the pizza cutter from Bloodborne showing up in there. And giant worms. It's a joy to read despite the awful prose and the weird stockholm syndrome stuff.
>Hell, you've even got the pizza cutter from Bloodborne showing up in there.
Considering how old Night Land is, it's more accurate that the pizza cutter from Bloodborne came from it.
He's fucked eight ways from sunday.
Cainhurst Set plus Whirligig Saw is pretty much Nightlands.
I don't know
Closest we'll ever get to a Night Land videogame, anyhow.
Sounds like a slave of the Night to me.
Somehow he reignites the sun, acting as a metaphor for people’s hope always triumphing over the crushing entropy of the universe.
He might die in the process, but any decent understanding of narrative would lead to that conclusion.