Why is Yas Forums so jaded?

Why is Yas Forums so jaded?

Pic unrelated.

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The unconfortable truth of being grown adults bickering about entertainment made for children

I like her feet

Cause nobody enjoys liking something or other people liking something so everything has to always be negative

Old man voice: "Jackieeee! One MORE thing!"


It's so weird how everyone remembers JCA but nobody ever talked about it for years and years and years
Or have there been some threads over the years but I am so used to spam?

She looks like fucks Mexican boys.

My cousin does, just because her father has a Spanish last name

I have a cousin who only dates blacks and Mexicans because she uses them as a surrogate for her adopted Blaxican brother
It's very weird and no one likes her

I haven't seen it mentioned until Jade here popped up. It was a fun show, as I remember,

C.S. Lewis wrote that once he became an adult, he was comfortable reading children's literature again.

Spent my whole life enjoying comfy comics to watch Bendis burn it to the ground.

We've seen a lot.
Perhaps too much.

i'm not jaded, hope you have a nice day user :D

Young Azula a cute!

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People have more to say about what they don't like than what they do like unless they are being defensive.

The only reason this show is remembered is because of the loli.

That's the sad truth about Yas Forums
We aren't adults, we're just old

I thought most people here were like 14 or so. Did the quarantine cause a flood of bored grown-ups?

Nah, I laughed at the old man giving Jackie a hard time and Jackie putting up with it.

The bit where the old guy becomes immortal and ends up arguing with himself was pretty good too.

Why did you rhyme?
Not complaining, it's fine.

"crawling in my skin"

Speak for yourself.
I also loved Uncle and the humour.

I remember it for El Toro

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Comics haven't been for children since the 80s, they should be but they're not. Would you let your kids read ANYTHING from the 00s?

She prefers bat demon boys, which considering she's Chinese is pretty funny.

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This is a big reason why they're declining and probably on the way out. It's a perfect medium for kids who have learned to read but maybe don't want to tackle actual novels yet. Losing the preteen market to aim at adults did comics no favor.

Bats are a symbol of good luck to Chinese and Koreans.

This is now a JCA thread. What's your favorite episode? Mine is Queen of the Shadowkhan from Season 2.

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It allowed for better people to tap in so I'm not complaining.

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That's why they eat them and created Corona-chan.

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