Does Yas Forums like Scott Pilgrim?

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Vols 1-3 are great. Rest gets progressively worse. Movie is fun but miscast and they filmed an alternate ending which would have redeemed the series as a whole, shame they didnt use it

I fucking love it. It's one of my biggest inspirations

>to fuck my roastie cunt you have to defeat this league of my lgbt ex's

How similar is Scott's amnesia plot compared to Cloud's in FF7? I never played FF7, so I'm just wondering.

I like it. I would love if they did an animated series with the books, but that’s asking too much.

I’ve only seen the second half of the movie, starting from that ex who was lactose intolerant or vegan or something.
The girl is hot, but I would NEVER date a bisexual

My favourite volume is vol. 4, but I agree vols 1-3 have more of that nostalgic feel, even tho i read all of them all together, that makes them good. Idk how to explain it.

Its fucking garbage unfortunately

For me it’s the porn

>I would NEVER date a bisexual
Why not?

No, very confusionary almost never mentioned. First time I read the comic didn't even noticed it, just thought Scott was a retard. The comic is good for the characters, not for the deep plot.

Cuz I’m not a cuckold

This Vol.4 is the best one.

I re-read it recently. Does the glowing their heads represent jealous and anxiety in a visual format? That's something I didn't really notice when I read it 10 years ago

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If they’re not bi you’re still getting cucked by Tyrone

This is explained in the final volume. It's negative thoughts and emotions being amplified.

Honestly, I have no fucking clue.
Scott Pilgrim is one of my favourite comic, but jesus christ I still don't understand anything about the glowing thing which was apparently all connected to Gideon. It was explained so badly in vol 6.
So I don't know if it's Gideon acting from behind making them feel these emotions of jelously or anxiety thus making their heads glow.

I like it despite the indie/videogame references. Reminds me of a simpler time. Also I unironically find Gideon hot. Too bad the movie didn't do him justice.

>My favorite waifu is Lisa
>This Vol.4 is the one with Lisa
ftfy lads

>I still don't understand anything about the glowing thing which was apparently all connected to Gideon. It was explained so badly in vol 6.
O’Malley has never written a good ending to a series in his life. Seconds was rushed, LAS didn’t deliver like it should have and Scott Pilgrim’s ending left some holes that felt awkwardly included. Book 6 was good, but the way these elements were introduced needed to be improved.

Proto-hipster OEM that StuartLevy wishes he locked the rights down to.

>Also I unironically find Gideon hot.
He’s a confident, slim boy with glasses, which is reason enough to bang him. But would you date him?

Back when it was being released Yas Forums had a vendetta against "hipsters" so they hated it. Then the "SJW" came around and people forgot all about hipsters and just called it SJW trash.

Yeah, Lost at Sea just feels like it's nothing new and I probably would have ignored it if it wasnt from O'Malley.
Secons is not that bad but still has that "generic graphic novel" feel.
Have to read Snot Girl, even tho he's not drawing it, it doesn't seem that bad.
And the next one should be Worst World or something like that, let's hope it's good.

I like Ramona and think her desing in vol. 4 and 5 is the best.
I believe vol 4 is the best cause it's in the middle, like vol 1-3 introduce more newer characters, while vol 5-6 try to keep moving on with the story a lot, trying too much.
Volume 4 is just there, and it feels nice.

If they’re bi, the chance of getting cucked increases by 100%

I really like the first 5 volumes, and thought the sixth was disappointing. Like how the story was a journey for the Scott to be a better person for someone else, just for Ramona to realize that she was being a hypocrite with her own set of problems and ran away herself. But something about the conclusion to this in volume 6 just doesn’t feel right, and the art didn’t feel like it had as much care put into it as well.

Considering his bondage fetish, Gideon would probably post “I’m very upset with you kitten” online with a picture of him holding his belt with absolute sincerity.

Then he would freeze you to maintain your youth and virginity for when he’s ready for you.

Comics are good. Movie was fun too watch but not really great because of Ramona herself and the casting. That recent song about why Ramona sucks is great though.

Not the same user, but now you have twice the chance of getting cucked. But generally, I would rather have my partner be straight.