Who'd win?

Who'd win?

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Which Star? Does she have her mewberty or whatever? Does Timmy have access to his faeries or is it just him?

They’re bound to him, so yeah, and DB uses characters at their best so yeah, she’s golden. Star stomps as Timmy needs to say he wishes for something

Both at their best with peak equipment.

Well idk much about the FOP's lore but does Timmy need to say "I wish..." in order for Cosmo and Wanda to step in or can they protect him without direct command

But Timmy would have Santa's Magic bag which makes him immune to magic.

Probably but Timmy has equipment that isn't tied to his faeries.

Can't star actually kill? Unlike Timmy

Star has a limited spell list of her own, she has access to much more if she has her book, but she never really studied them

Then she has her super saiyan form but seemingly limited time

I think Timmy would just have to say I WISH SHE COULDNT USE HER WAND to limit her severely and then somehow survive her super saiyan form long enough to win

But Timmy is an average kid and Star is not an average teen with actual combat training so she might outsmart and overpower him

Timmy’s not just an average kid, he’s got toon force to survive Cosmo’s many, many mistakes

okay how about another child/teenage protagonist fight

Star Butterfly (no mewberty) vs Rex Salazar

But Timmy has a ton of equipment that's not linked to his fairies and that'll help him draw out the fight till she loses all her energy.

Even when unamped, Star can freeze time for the Multiverse

>Star destroys all magic in the multiverse
>Cosmo, Wanda, and the rest of fairy world fade from existence
>Timmy is now just an ordinary kid no one understands with no magic backing him up whatsoever


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but what happens when their wands take a shit cuz "da rulz"
cosmo and wanda are known for sometimes being complete fuckups too

And Star isn’t? Fucking Cosmo is more competent and he’s a moron


Whoever Death Battle decides to compose better and handpick better feats.

Her golden mewberty doesn't seem time limited but her peak was reforming out of the magic and being in magic trance which gets confused for golden mewberty because it was the first appearance of that form.
Golden mewberty magic trance is the strongest Star.

Timmy still wins because he's a fucking reality warper with seasons worth of loop holes and magical items without Da Rules tied to them.

There’s an entire section in the Book of Spells about creating universes

And? Star's feats take time and effort. She's also a complete and utter magic illiterate who uses her innate talent to brute force her way through everything. There's like one spell she ever uses regularly that someone else made and that's to get a live feed of marco cucking her.

Timmy can do basically anything she can and more while taking slightly longer or being SIGNIFICANTLY faster. Da Rulez don't even count because of all the loop holes he's found along the way and the premise assuming the character is at their peak.

She doesn’t even need to speak to use magic, he’s stuck with “I wish” he’s got his head destroyed before he even thinks it

Star does use incantations a lot actually user, who are you kidding? Only pro users pop spells of regularly without incantation and star is a retard. The only notable notable non-incantation spell was her energy blast with toffee and that was during her magic trance where she's mainlined straight into the magic itself and it can be said it's not her typical behaviour.

Death Battle only exists to make us retards angry while they laugh all the way to the bank.

"I wish that girl didnt have magic"

The only way Star wins is with a sneak attack before Timmy knows she's an enemy, assuming he's actually trying to defeat her and isn't as braindead as possible.

Doesn't Star need to also say her spells while casting them? I'm not sure how this makes a difference. But the fairies seem way more powerful than Star, capable of making world altering changes, so I would assume Timmy has this in the bag.

They don't make a dime off me and powerlevel autism existed before them and will continue after them.

She doesn't in theory but will in practice.
>world altering changes
Star has a few universal and multiversal feats but hasn't flexed those muscles since those actions were considered off the table from then on. Nothing compared to the fine and controlled reality warping of the fairies but her raw power is reality destroyer tier when channeled correctly (which it never is)

Our boy Timmy whether he has fairies or not considering Star magically gimped herself.

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You're still helping by posting their logo everywhere.

Stan Lee said it best. The author decides who wins, nothing more of less. Want Thanos to die because Ant Man goes in his butthole and expands? It's possible. Want the weakest character to beat the strongest character? It happens all the fucking time in fiction, the entire concept of the underdog story is making a story where the worst participants win anyway.

Literally either of them could win depending on the author, that goes for any matchup. Want a fanfic where the entire Justice League loses to a regular citizen because he lucks into a win? It's possible.

I don't. I wasn't the guy you were talking to and I don't care about them at all

Star couldn't even scratch him, literally he's immune to magic.

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>Stan Lee
Is a fucking idiot and that response is a Grant Morrison tier cop out because, like Grant, Stan is a hack.
>fuck you don't ask me about the tires on the battmobile

IIRC, Timmy still has his heat vision

She hits pretty hard without it. Like seriously, learning to fight since she was 3

Yeah but unlike Timmy Star isn't immune to magic. She tries Magic Blasting him wasting all her stamina and Timmy just blitzs.

Star has the ability to remove any resistances though when she is magic tranced. She could override his immunity.

How is it a cop out? Are you implying that if you pit 2 characters against each other, only 1 could possibly win in every possible scenario? That's retarded, Stan Lee was 100% right that literally anyone can win literally any matchup if the writer decides they do.

Regeneration Negation is different from resistance negation user.

Wrong. Toffee was never immune to magic, she just overpowered his healing. This is like the shit those Solarian Warriors used