Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb

The letters were a ruse!

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Incoming "we should talk"

And just like with Lucy's present, we're not going to get to see what's inside.


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Obviously it's Sandy calling him. Maybe she's finally going to break up with him an it's about damned time since it's been so obvious it's going in that direction for years now. To its credit this is only a week of in-story time since the Halloween phone call.

But there's only one page left in this chapter so unless the next picks up right where this leaves off, the actual consequences might get delayed for who knows how long.

Holy shit was that the gift?

Do not read this comic.

Daisy on the phone for a booty call, wonder if he'll accept.

Somebody needs to help Taeshi kick her addiction to negative space. I mean honestly panels 1 and 2 do not need that much breathing room.

Also lol an entire page dedicated to Mike noticing his phone ring. Maybe if I eat healthy and exercise every day, I'll live long enough to see the day that Mike can notice and answer a phone call within the span of one page.

Haley you stupid slut

>it's terrible your girlfriend won't call you
>maybe I can be your girlfriend for tonight

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A quick pump n dump will do wonders for his mood.

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>I think at this point vero would want to show the break up, there's been so much build-up here to whatever is going to happen between them

Kinda like with how Lucy grew and developed as a person during her 9 month absence.

Oh wait.

>Inb4 breakup

>header is "an optimistic ending"
>it's sandy calling to give mike hope and drag this retarded plotline out even longer
jesuuuuuuuuus chriiiiiiiiiiist
what's even the point of the halloween chapter and all this buildup if it's artificially being stalled to squeeze out as much patreon money as possible, it's like endless fakeouts now

how does this shit have a patreon yet only update once a week when it looks like this

Manipulative creators preying on young audience bullying anyone with contradicting opinions.

People who just want to see the grey cat making out with the white cat

It's a small point but I don't really get the letters-on-the-face thing. I guess Halet's bratty little sister routine could be galling given the bad day he had but Haley appears so infrequently the sense of familiarity about her behavior isn't there.

Which is to set aside that his day wasn't actually so bad. He watched David and Lucy do some kind of weird joke with a gift that really had nothing to do with him.

Really thinking that the edit from the past threads about Mike being supposed to have given Lucy that gift was accurate.

kill mike

try it fgt

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fuck lucy
marry rachel


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What would even be the point?


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>an optimistic ending
Please god let this be sarcastic. How many goddamn times are we going to have this same scene?

The shitty thing is that all his friends are celebrating Lucy's birthday with her, and he's left out because she doesn't like him. What Lucy did was shitty, but even more than that, the rift between him and Lucy is forcing his friends to pick a side, and they're all picking Lucy. Getting the same flippant mocking in his own home that he gets at school probably isn't making him feel much better. Also Taeshi just thinks characters being assholes is funny, check the page comment for today.

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looks like they're posting bci stuff on the bcb instagram now? what part of the bcb audience has both instagram and the spare cash to actually buy shit from them?

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>Mike's phone rings
>its happening

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Why are the others all buying into this shtick about being on one"side" or the other? Do any of them even know that Lucy hates Mike now? If they remember the drunk party they'd know why, but have they demonstrated they know Mike and Lucy's friendship is over since she came back?

Or have they all just gone 100% against Mike due to their own grievances...which amount to a a single time Mike was a dick and yelled at them? And is Taeshi just totally treating David like the meme he is? He doesn't have any reason to shut out Mike.

does he usually pick up the mail?
does he want to know how much his parents pay for water?