Amelia Bedelia.. Please end my suffering and pull the plug

Amelia Bedelia.. Please end my suffering and pull the plug...

Attached: amelia.jpg (600x549, 151.92K)

And then she starts jacking him off.

"hhhhhhng. no amelia... huff... n-not that one..."

He's not on a respirator. So pulling a plug would do no good.

"Take the pillow and suffocate me". Let's see her misinterpret that.

She takes the pillow and sits on his face.

An acceptable death

amelia doesnt just misinterpret EVERYTHING shes told, shes just a being of pure evil and chaos
she doesnt have to come up with excuses to kill a man if hes asking her too
she'd do it gladly

that, or she'll find ways to force him to keep living in suffering


This but no pillow

she puts his face on his lap and he uses it as a pillow

That would just be facesitting and it would be highly inappropriate.

Is this supossed to be bad?

He cures his illness and then RIP off his dick.

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"smother me, Amelia Bedelia..."

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she pulls out the buttplug she's had up her ass this whole time and bludgeons him to death with it

>Amelia thanks god you are here, i want to tell you that the coof caught me, i beat that chinese manofactured virus but i fell off the stairs, you need a proper punishment for buttering the stairs
>Amelia, i want you to remove your clothes slowly, start from top to bottom, but do not remove your socks , also i want to you to use your hands to grab my male reproductive organ
>Okay, now move your hands from up to down slowly, i will tell you when to stop
I want to see her misinterpret that and end with her fucking killing me somehow

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How big are we talking?

big enough for blunt force trauma

anything is when ur a fucking god

T-thank you Amelia... I can already hear my life draining away...
>Oh no, sir. That's just the water in the sink.

Not the first time someone has talked to her about pulling out

>in your death throes you pull Amelia in close
>as you feel the end coming you look into her eyes that reflect yours
>"God, I don't want to die"

>Please Amelia...grant me one wish...Sit on me with your buttock and fart...Fart and suffocate me until I am dead

>"B-But sir, I am not gassy at all"

>Doctors tell her he doesn't have any time left
>She goes and buys a bunch of clocks

>D-Do not worry Dear Amelia, I have prepared for this moment...I-In another room are tons of beef and cheese filled tacos, I-I want you to eat them Amelia until you're quite gassy to release your sweet and smelly farts upon my face until I am no more..


>"But sir, I am allergic to cheese...and beef...and anything involving tacos"

>No worries my dear dear Amelia, t-that is why I had another backup plan...w-where you take a pill that allows you to make the smelliest and deadliest farts known to mankind..

This thread us starting to stink.

Amelia Bedelia, I want to thrust my penis repeatedly into your vagina until you achieve orgasm and then pull my penis out of your vagina so that I can ejaculate semen into your mouth for you to swallow.