>Welcome to the Avengers, Wolverine.

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It's the guns.

>welcome to the Avengers, Tony Stark

Killing ninjas isn't murder, it's self-defense. The ninjas attack Wolverine and he fights back. The Punisher on the other hand goes to places with the sole purpose of killing everyone even if they surrender.
I think the difference is that Wolverine can be convinced to hold back from cold-blooded murder when he's on team missions. Punisher can't, he is incapable of not killing.

The Avengers will kill people when it’s necessary, but they also arrest people when they deem it realistic. Are they perfect? Absolutely not. But Punisher seems to have a straight no-survivors policy, unless leaving one criminal alive will help him find more to kill. That’s the difference.

Punisher never killed anyone who didn't deserve it.

It’s because Frank is a massive reactionary faggot. He’s the kind of guy who would hate all black people if one stupid niglet pissed him off.

>pretty much this
gun culture is very much so american. In any other country it's against the law -and by extension considered wierd by most- to gun down someone who's in your house taking your TV. Is your TV that important?
Not that the Punisher as a fiction is not awesome but like most cape comics it doesn't always make sense (which is fine, it's juste capes, it's in good fun).

The idea that you could die if you try robbing a house is a pretty good deterrent.

Most people who actually want to rob your house break into your home while you're at work
The guy who breaks into your house in the middle of the night knows you're there and is probably going to harm you

He had a chance with the war machine to be good and turned even more crazy, what a fucking idiot

He killed his family by hiding behind them instinctually

He has but it was an accident.

> You have to do it real complicated

> I'm Batman and as you know I have a strict no guns policy

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I mean I agree but Frank using real life firearms is the reason people are down on him.
I do remember an old issue where the villain was holed up somewhere with a lot of flammables so he just used a huge arsenal of knives.

Is the argument supposed to be that Frank should be allowed to join the Avengers? Because he'd never even consider it, he thought that himself + Micro was a crowd, he's not about to take orders from Tony Stark or whomever.

snyder doesnt count
post arkham batmobile

How dare he be so prejudiced against the criminal community.

>In any other country it's against the law -and by extension considered wierd by most- to gun down someone who's in your house taking your TV.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you some Swedish faggot ho sucks niggerdicks by choice? Here even grannies have guns. If some fuckwhit intrudes in your house, you blow him a new one.

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Punisher can't help himself, he enjoys it and makes him feel alive.

t. coward

Haha faggot I'm French and a large part of the surrender monkeys are full of guns

>someone breaks in your home, armed with weapons, most likely up to no good
>gets a gun to defend yourself
you have to be pretending to be retarded

More like Frens

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>he doesn't know how to use his hands instead
Yes, coward.

yeah your pretending to be retarded, I would rather use what the creator called the colt "the equalizer" than fists against some guy armed with a gun or knife

>Hurr durr just punch the bullets out of the air

to you

>I would rather use what the creator called the colt "the equalizer" than fists
See? You're a coward. Nice that you admitted it, though

So if someone broke in your house, with a gun, you would use your fists?

I know how to disarm a gunner, coward.

Yes, I've seen rush hour so

By getting shot?

>shoots you from across the room
not everyone is Ozymandias, and

>bring fists to a gun fight

Stop making excuses, coward. God hates cowards, so you better use that gun to kill yourself; you'll go to Hell, of course, but then again you never deserved Heaven. Coward.

Ah I see, the faggot got found out so now he's resorting to faux macho. I have to say, your ass has taken so many cocks, that I didn't think that you'd be this assblasted, but here we are.

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Your 12, go home

Keep crying, coward. Maybe you will drown the enemy in tears.

your not a man, go home

>he's resorting to faux macho
Says the coward. I'm sure that if you saw the enemy, you'd drop your pants and offer him your bitch ass. Coward.

>Being this stupid
You must be a leftist.


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Leftists are atheists, coward. Although you're as weak as them, coward.

Just go home user, this isn't even fun b8. Have a last pity (you) from me.

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Am I scaring you, coward? Of course I am.

difference is that Wolverine isnt a fucking terrorist, but frank is my terrorist

True Leftists aren't anti gun. Stop projecting conservacuck