You know, I gotta say they’re pretty fucking chill on social media given how they do the gayest stuff

You know, I gotta say they’re pretty fucking chill on social media given how they do the gayest stuff.

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A lot of woke people are just woefully misguided and misled

Most gay or bi or whatever people are chill its just twitter

Most social media is a leftist echo chamber. They would have no reason not to be chill doing the gayest stuff when they get nothing but unwarranted praise all day.

What these two men do in the privacy of their bedroom is of no concern to me

I mean, the other leftists from the SU crew are in an "echo chamber" and they're still spiteful as fuck.

If there are 100 people, and 90 of them are super chill, everyone will still only pay attention to the 10 of them that are raging assholes, and ascribe that behavior to the rest.

Maybe you're just projecting.

My God, Rebeca is so beautiful, because she's with that horrible guy, plus he's a stalker, damn

They're both bigger Yas Forums addicts than you'll ever be
Half the shit in Ian's show is a nod to old Yas Forums memes

Becky and Ian have shit to do.
Also Ian is generally based

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Post THAT pic

Even the "guns are bad" episode?

Explain Nefcy

I love that episode, it triggered people so fucking hard when it was really just The Music Man mixed with a cheesy 90's style PSA

that episode was based

Ironically enough, it’s a pro gun episode as the Skeleton Remotes disarmed everyone of their powers

Not the same guy, but no, they are. I was radicalized to the far right by blue check marks talking about how people like me are subhuman.

>implying they're ever going to reproduce due to their backwoods pronouns and sexual preferences

The problem was that it only presented two solutions, giving literally everyone skeleton remotes or no one. KO suggested regulations and it got shot down by an angry mob, so he had the congresswoman ban them entirely.

they use normal pronounces and both are horny as hell - did you even watch their shows

Do it user, post it, do it for me

>people like me

did you miss the time the creator of lumberjanes and producer of nu-she ra noelle stevenson called sugar a traitor to her gender for having a male protagonist in steven universe instead of a female one and the harassment got so bad ian stepped in to back his sugar up

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At worst, Ian has moments of trickling down groupthink, but it's extremely tame compared to some of his colleagues who outright type, "I fucking hate that straight men can follow me on Twitter".

It's shocking how quiet Sugar has been the last decade. She must feel an overwhelming pressure and anxiety at how popular she is online and instead of walking on eggshells, has opted to say nothing at all. Not even what TV show she's watching that day.

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Most people are angry they don't have dirt on her so they post porn she did in highschool or accused her of things she didn't do.

>She must feel an overwhelming pressure and anxiety at how popular she is online and instead of walking on eggshells, has opted to say nothing at all.
I don't remotely blame her.
Hell, I probably would do the same.

Becky is smart, and I doubt she needs any extra validation, so she stays out of cesspool
She probably has a private anonymous account for posting

>Becky and Ian have shit to do.
Both of their shows are cancelled

Sugar has shota skeletons in her closet, knows not to rock the boat.

It's the smart thing to do, honestly.
Never give these sort of people attention, never respond. Just focus on your work and making the best show you can. But also don't try to alienate everyone, be it straight, white men or black jewish lesbians from outer space.

Not using social media is the best way to avoid fighting over usless bullshit or risk getting cancelled.

*porn she did in college of minors