
What if "MJ" is this version's Gwen Stacy?

>All of Peter's journey so far has been tied with Ironman, MJ's death could lead to him having his own personal journey.
>This would make Peter meeting Mary Jane Watson quite difficult as it would remind him of "MJ", but also allow him to move on.

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mcu gwen was the girl whose dad was the vulture
she got on a bus instead of dying

That was literally Liz.

>Get a version of Spider-Man that dates cute black girls
>It's the worst version of Spider-Man

Would be funny if it later comes to light that Stark molested Peter.

Raimi Ben would strangle him

Spider-Man doesn't need a refrigerator girl.

That would make MCU Spidey Not constantly worship Starks dick which Disney would never allow

MCU Spiderman is a travesty. At least we’ll always have the raimi films


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Is Tom holland a eunuch? His voice sounds a little too pre-pubescent.

I Still suspect that she's a renamed Firestar. She could'nt be named Angelica Jones because the rights had not yet reverted back with the Fox buyout. If they hadn't, then she could have remained an OC. Now that she can be Firestar, then they could just explain that her mutation had not yet kicked in.

I've been pushing for this since day one.
Hopefully MCU X men gives us teenage Iceman.

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There's always middle names.

I assumed it was just him trying to sound young, idk what he sounds like irl

In interviews his voice isn't really any deeper, it's a little weird that he as a 23 year old man sounds the way he does.

more wasted and waste until they finally have the balls to adapt Felicia

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Raimi Ben had a Vietnamese ladyboy fucktoy in the war user
He'd be okay with Peter fucking black chicks as long as he doesn't try and bring home any mulatto grandnephews/grandnieces

I'd actually be okay with that.

I just hope Daredevil doesn't show up, so the last MCU Spider-Man movie doesn't even get that and faggots will cry about it forever, meanwhile Daredevil will team up with MCU street level heroes like Moon Knight, Shang Chi, proper Luke Cage and proper Iron Fist, it's going to be awesome

What if they found a cavewoman and called her MJ.

i want to hold tom like that

Doesnt Hitop Films like Sam Raimi Films?

Mary Jane is Black now, user.
Red-haired Mary Jane is never going to show up. Never ever. Just accept it or move on.

>Hopefully MCU X men gives us teenage Iceman
Same, as well as for Human Torch.

>>This would make Peter meeting Mary Jane Watson quite difficult as it would remind him of "MJ", but also allow him to move on.
Even if Michelle dies, Disney would never introduce a second “MJ”.

1). It would be too confusing for audiences and just look weird to have a second MJ. It would be like Tony coming back to life and dating a woman whose name is also happens to be named Pepper.

2). It would look like they are replacing a black woman with a white woman. Which is considered racist and Disney & Sony don’t want that bad PR.

3). Disney and Sony just don’t give a shit. They wanted a Black Mary Jane/MJ. Just like they wanted a Indian Flash. And more diversity Spidey cast. It is what they wanted l. Just like they wanted Rey, Rose, and Holdo in Star Wars. What they want is top priority.

>Mary Jane is Black now, user.
>Red-haired Mary Jane is never going to show up.
Never gonna show up again, you mean.

He does. Don’t know what that other user was trying to say.

>Indian Flash.
What Indian flash? Flash in MCU is a mexican.

user, please. Just accept that “””Michelle””” is MCU’s Mary Jane already. We all already know this and accepted it. She is MCU Mary Jane Watson and she is black.

MCU Peter is never going to get with a Mary Jane who is white and has red hair and is a super model/actress.

You can either accept this and move on or try and like the character.

Because the Mary Jane you want ain’t going to happen in the MCU.

My bad. But my point still stands. Flash is a diversity now. That is what they want. He is Flash.

Disney&Sony aren’t going to have him killed off and bring in a blond Flash from Iraq to replace him. Just like Disney ain’t going to kill off Michelle and replace her with a redheaded supermodel just to appease anons on a Mongolian image board. If you like it, then that is good for you. If you don’t then I am sorry but that is how it is. And hoping for something impossible to happen won’t change it.

Didn't Raimi Ben literally say "darkie pussy is sublime, if you knock her up just leave 'em behind?"

>and she is black.
No, she isn't. She's a halfbreed.