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imagine the noises he makes mid coitus
Why is he so popular in Brazil?
He sure got better looking over the years,
Typical Hollywood. Botox, tail feather extensions, a beak job...
He was very cheap to get broadcasting rights for, and simple to dub as well. Combine that with proper scheduling, and he gains a unique following overseas.
40 years of syndication every day and the dubbing actually improves it
Because it was a good cartoon that aired a lot. It had a fuck ton of episodes, a complete dub, and pretty much every free channel broadcasted him.
I mean fuck, i watched it when i was a tiny kid, and it had already been some serious time since they had first broadcasted it.
El pájaro loco.
Actually, i just remembered, woodpecker was literally the first animated character in brazilian television.
Even today, there's still plenty of channels that air it.
Is there any character that deserves to be gagged more then this fuck?
Don't know anyone who likes the laugh
crazy woodywoodpecker is the best one
THE worst blowjob
Absolutely. Like the early Daffy Duck, complete lunatics were the most fun to watch.
There was actually a hit single, "The Woody Woodpecker Song" back ages ago. Got played on the radio and everything.
...Sea Lamprey has entered the chatroom.
Woody is trying don't be mean
>I'm getting that goddamn termite if it's the last fucking thing I do
what the fuck was his problem?
Hunger makes a man crazy.
as long as he has to gag on my dick
while doing his signature laugh
I guess the concussions got to him.
Get this running through your head the rest of the day!
Based Woody Woodfucker
>Woody Woodpecker
>Penis Penispenis
Why are birds so autistic
Of course he has that name, have you seen a more masculine character?
it would be more like Erection Erectdick
Well, he does have a pecker between his eyes.
Spend some time with an African Grey that can talk and you'll start drinking