Why does nobody remember this movie?

Why does nobody remember this movie?

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It's really only Catwoman's origin and Devito as Penguin that people care about. The rest is still good.

I do.
And there have been plenty of great movies that aren't "remembered", by this shithole or anywhere else.

It was shit

Didn't they complain at the time it was too dark and violent for kids?

Everybody has the same opinion on it. In other words just good enough to be forgettable

Never saw it. Probably because I don't give a crap about Batman.

It didn't really have meme quality like Batman '89.

Except the fact that everybody remember this movie? There's an ongoing battle between Burton's chads and Nolaan virgins which movie series is better (two of Burtons and three of Nolaan).

All millennials and gen X'ers remember the Burton Batmans.

My zoomer gf even loves it.

Oh, I remember it alright.......

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Because we never got a proper sequel with Michelle Pfeiffer returning.

You must live under a rock if you think people doesn't remember this movie.

It's more like an episode of a Batman TV show since it's so villain focused but having said that I still love it. Much better script than '89. My first Batman movie I saw in theatres.

Yes, seeing this movie repeatedly as a prepubescent lad definitely left its fingerprints. Endless fetish fuel.

Yeah! Batman Sucks!

People do remember it. Reminder that this movie is technically the basis of the entire DC Animated Universe. Hence why we got a Penguin with weird flipper hands.

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I remember it.
I thought Danny DiVito made a good Penguin

I didn't know the Nolan fans actually defended CIA's movie in general.

This movie has one of the most iconic Catwomen ever. It's so remembered that half the time penguin is depicted, it's a version of Tim Burton's penguin with the filed down teeth and flippers.

This should have happened. Fucking execs.

Yes, me too

Attached: Lickety lick.webm (1280x715, 1.62M)

Its still my favorite batfilm, and might even be the best
Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman is still a giant inspiration for alot of female characters

havnt seen it

The script I saw for the Solo catwoman was fucking horrible
Google it its not hard to find


I never forgot it. Mainly because the intro traumatized me but it's an excellent movie. Way more emotionally than Batman.

I can't remember if it was ever good at this point, the memes ruined it for me.

Michelle Pfeiffer awakened some dark things in young me.

Attached: Bath time.webm (1024x572, 1.79M)

It was never good, it was a dragged out, pretentious, bloated mess with bastardized characters and nonsensical plot-twists.
The memes will endure.

Me on the left, preparing to show her my French flipper trick.

I appreciate how Tim Burton takes such a risk with he characters, and for the time it's nice how he actually has a take on them that he lets the actors run with.

Keaton's Batman is Keaton's Batman. Some people like it some don't. Personally, I feel that Burton keeps him purposefully neutral but the big secret is, he dons't care about Batman all the much. Burton is all about the villains.

Phiefer and DeVito almost feel like they have to "out Jack Nicholson" each other. Also I remember this as Christopher Walken solid roles.


Also, there's just a lot of dumb shit in the movie.
>Batman has a ridiculously elaborate mirror system on his house to shine the bat signal in his study.
>Batman sets a guy on fire.
>Max's plan to steal energy from the city makes no sense.
>Max throws his secretary out a window. Doesn't hid the body. When she's back he's a little surprised but doesn't freak and goes about his business.
>Running Penguin for Mayor in December.
>Max having a costume party.
>Trying to frame Batman in a very lazy way.
>The climax of your film is essentially watching heard of penguins with little remotes on their backs walk around giant sound stages while dramatic music plays.

It's the only Batman movie with the word Poontang in it.


This, I liked the second Nolan movie, not really the first or third