/gfg/ - Gravity Falls General

Mabel's Feet Edition
Thread Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=7dG3rCQ7nVg

Previous Thread:
>Next episode October 26th - "Weirdmageddon"

"Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future" 1080p Download:

More Downloads:

Archive (NSFW): gravityfalls.booru.org
Draw Room (gfg): skycow.us/whiteboard.swf (Come jerk with us!)

Decoding: themysteryofgravityfalls.com
More decoding: rumkin.com/tools/cipher/
Cryptograms: gravityfalls.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_cryptograms

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>wanting to fuck beans
I'm more into spoons desu
t. 2010 Yas Forums

spoons aren't sexy
t. 2012 Yas Forums

Talk about a flashback to 2015

Wish I could go back...

Now all we need is someone requesting a nude edit of that screencap.

She should've shown them more, but she was always wearing those socks.
In the niddle of SUMMER!!

Everyone else wore socks

This is the same girl who wore a hoodie all summer, is that really surprising?

>condescending, "my show is special and mysterious" attitude
>then gives us shit like Roadside Attraction and stealing OC from /gfg/ while arguing with 12-year-olds online
>belittles and/or blocks people on Twitter for voicing the slightest disagreement
>severe alcoholism problem
>doesn't know how to drive and spend exuberant amounts of money on ride-shares around LA
>constantly antagonized Disney TVA execs even though they treated him like a God
>whined because he they wouldn't let him show a 12 year old kid getting his neck snapped
>well documented narcissistic attitude
>drove one of his staff members into a Roberto from Futurama stabbing spree
>chimped out at Luke Weber because he wouldn't make a birthday card for office bicycle Dana Terrace and then white knighted her
>vindictively got Luke's cartoon pilot cancelled because Luke quit, then made up a rumor online (going as far as coming here to spread it) to say he cucked Luke with Dana even though Luke doesn't date anyone in the industry
>fired another storyboarder ostensibly for how he draws eyes, and then made a passive aggressive tweet about it
>got a director on Ducktales demoted just so he could take his place, then quit on the job and installed his pet beard Dana in the position
>got Dana fasttracked to a show even though she was clearly unready for it, Owl House development being a mess of delays, punched cintiqs, high school clique tier behavior, her vile attitude drove a female storyboarder named Janet Chan to quit, the finished product was a poorly paced mess
>meanwhile Alex quits Disney, goes on a mercenary tour where he fails at just about everything, and has to come back to Disney hat in hand and voice an angry now-powerless manlet reflective of him
>Disney is so fed up with him they don't even consult him for a new Gravity Falls book and the IP will likely continue without his input

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You mean turtleneck sweater?

>of a show that finished a long ass time ago
lets see how long it survives

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Yas Forums in general doesn't allow them anymore regardless if a show is airing new episodes.

>next episode
>previous thread
>not understanding this is literally an old general not someone trying to revive /gfg/
Tohou posters are too stupid to live. God bless the quarantine board, /jp/ for keeping you out of Yas Forums

/sug/ is still kicking in /trash/

yes, you said it yourself */trash/* , the place where it belongs

Favorite guy Mabel had a crush on?


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Yeah, Dipper was cool

It's too bad he didn't appear in more episodes


Dipper >>>> Mabel

I can't jerk off to Dipper though

There's always his feet

maybe if I ignore the rest of his body I can pretend its Mabel's feet.

Who's regular outfit was better?

Dipper's cheeks

Luke, you’re having an hallucination. Take your meds and have a small nap.

Did you see the Gravity Falls Complete Series Blu-Ray commentaries and the documentary behind the show that was on said Blu-Ray?

Tell me Dr. Grubermeister if you can, you have complained so much, what is it exactly you have created? Can you show me even one cartoon? I thought not.

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Manlet posting is a lost art barely surviving through the virtue of the manlet being associated with Daron and Dana

Whatever happened to grubermeister? Or vectoranon? Or Mazni? And all the other /gfg/ veterans? I do wish them well wherever they are.

How much of this is tasty pasta and how much is true?

Plus isn't he working at Netflix now?

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Just want to say GF had a 9/10 griffon design for that one DnD episode.

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Kryptos is cute.

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If Dipper and Mabel had their respective spin-off shows, what would they look like?