ITT: Company Equivalents

Starting with these two.

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>mind-controlling alien is the same as a trans-dimensional eldritch horror
I'm not sure user...

they both have one eye

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Hulk really is just a cheap imitation of Solomon Grundy

I would like to know your explaination to that, but i know you would just spit out some retarded company wars bullshit.

Both ripped off lovecraft

Is patchy the pirate a rip off of them?

In some circles yes

Even if that's true, and I doubt it - Hulk has always been more akin to Jekyll and Hyde, he's not a "cheap" imitation.

Namor and Aquaman

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Everything in comics ripped off something

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Fucking Johnny Sorrow is closer to Shuma Gorath than fucking Starro, who's true form is just a fucking dude anyway.

That's Damage.

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Superboy Prime and Gwenpool

Everything ripped off something; no creative work is born in a vacuum.

both their wifes went crazy at somepoint

are we talking personality/powers/backstory/design?

at any rate

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Is there a Marvel equivalent to John Constantine?

Damien Hellstrom i think...

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Yes and I'm outraged! t. OP

Isn't the Gentry way more of an equivalent?

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Captain Marvel is more like Power Girl, only less fun to be around

Dont be dense, the inspiration is beyond obvious, dont tell me ur one of those anons who cry any time folks mention that Sentry is a Superman wannabe

Original Hulk (not counting xemnue but actual Bruce Banner Hulk) was Grey, had Grundy's musculature and almost the same hair, everyone knew he was a Grundy clone but the Hulkster would outshine Grundy so hard that it hardly matters at this point, most DC writers just write Grundy's mannerisms as if he were the Hulk anyways