Anyone with a brain knows Hulk destroys Superman
There is already a thread for this shit
Shut your mouth before I make a 3rd thread.
Only if someone is dabbing
Don’t care for the MCU, actually, but keep up your strawman as Superman gets his ass whooped
supermans universe goes up to 11
Fucking MCU normie
In the ring? Hulk would be disqualified for illegal punches because he's a retarded rage monster
Superman's gotten boxing lessons from Wildcat, literally the best boxer alive in the DCverse
I dont think Hulk's got the patience to box
Let Hulk Mike Tyson it
How is he supposed to fight like Tyson when Mike took advantage of being shorter than his opponents?
>brain damaged WB shill tries to bring Disney up whenever someone states a fact
I was thinking biting ears and threatening to fuck people until they love him
>goes up to 11
Dicks in his ass.
Hmm good point. Has Hulk ever gotten so mad he became homosexual?
Superman rapes, and it's not even close
We've already had a fucking vote on this topic be drawn and printed into a real comic. Superman won by popular vote. But hey, most powerful feats? Superman. Most powerful on average? Superman. Smarter? Superman. More varied and useful powerset? Superman. Most powerful characters defeated? Superman.
I don't see how this fight is anything but a win a for Superman.
Hulkfags and Superfags are so cancerous that they can’t be contained in one thread.
Superman wins by finishing the fight quickly. The longer the fight goes on, the hulk will get angrier and stronger- he infinitely scales, so Superman being smarter will beat hulk fast before it reaches that point.
Superman got outbox and knocked out by a faggot like Ali and Quinn in a boxing match. Easy win for Hulk.
Hulk is a punk
He's solar system level at best
Even Broly wrecks him
And Superman wrecks DBZ
Hulk gets DQ for killing Superman in the ring.
Hulkchads rise up!
hulk gets stronger the more angry he gets
superman is insanely strong
he's going the mike tyson route of knocking hulk out on the first round as the hulk does not start off as strong nor as durable as superman, allowing superman to knock him out before he gets a chance to roid out and become a threat
Superman can’t even defeat Doomsday. And Doomsday is just a poor imitation of Hulk that is confirmed to be weaker than Hulk by DC’s own writers. No way Superman can defeat Hulk. Hulk is taking the win.
>Superman can’t even defeat Doomsday.
>hulkfags haven't read a comic since 1993
Post the rest of the context faggot. That’s a Doomday clone that is significantly nerfed compared to the original.
>significantly nerfed
A superfag that doesn’t read comics. Honestly not surprising. Too busy fapping to pictures of Superman to read the text.