What the fuck were they thinking this is the boringest shit I've ever watched

What the fuck were they thinking this is the boringest shit I've ever watched

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>all media must be created for me

They were probably thinking "hey, this'll be neat".

I'm sorry that your ADHD caffeine addicted mind can't go seconds without memes and loud noises. It's a shame you can't take a moment to chill out and find a guest that has ideologies you fit with and better yourself. Ep 1 and 5 are kino

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they7 definitely were'nt expecting a bunch of Yas Forums pseuds to rage over it pointlessly like autists

When is Joe Rogan going to appear in this?

I wanted to watch an actual show not listen to some shitty podcast with an animation that has nothing to do with it

Wait, why IS Yas Forums raging about it? It's basically a podcast with visuals, has no characters to fap to, and it's not pushing advertisements about it everywhere. Why the anger?

Then don't watch it.

>you're not allowed to criticize it because it's not meant for you
fuck off

>hey your podcast is getting pretty popular. How about I, Pendleton Ward, animate some of the best bits like those youtube guys do

>criticizing something because it didn't live up to your own arbitrary standards
>missing the points of the series entirely
>not taking a moment to digest and learn from what you've heard


There's a difference between subjective and "objective criticism.

If something isn't really your preference, then calling it shit isn't as impactful as calling it shit because actual technical issues. Sorta like if someone doesn't like horror movies, I'm not gonna really take them that seriously if they say a horror movie is shit because they weren't gonna like a horror movie to begin with.

>asking shallow, rhetorical questions like "what were they thinking" instead of offering constructive criticism

Climb up your own urethra and have a mystical awakening.

because it's Yas Forums. It runs on hating everything.

Wet. Hot. Garbage.

it absolutely has characters to fap to

Attached: Clancy sitting.jpg (1054x1075, 125.41K)

>has no characters to fap to

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the show is good but I kinda wish they didn’t lean so much into the podcast episode of it, because it kinda makes it difficult to care about Clancy as a character or any of the worlds that he goes too. i hope if there’s a season 2 there’s more world building and stuff especially since Pen Ward apparently has a lot of lore ideas for the chromatic ribbon

the only good porn of him, other stuff is cunny boy shit

>show advertised as an adult Penn Ward adventure
>instead it's the boring podcast of one of Joe Rogan's idiot friends
>Talking about cali pop buddhism and crowley
Fuck off

I dunno usually I love all this pseudo-intellectual trippy shit but it feels like the writers just wanted to talk about their opinions and try to sound "deep" while using the multiverse shit and the animation as a "draw" in order from keeping you from getting board so you can look at all the pretty colors while they just talk

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Do 2 seconds of research before you watch a show

>dude you gotta deep dive into vulture articles about fucking cartoons
Eat shit. Normal humam beings base their watching decisions on trailers.

It wasn't really advertised as an "adventure," just that Pendleton Ward was involved. And Duncan Trussell is great, go fuck yourself

>>not understanding marketing

The idiots that are sperging about it are just contrarians.

>doubling down on being a sperg doing "research" on cartoons
Normal human beings go off trailers

It was advertised as a normal show and not a podcast. They went out of their way to obfuscate the show's format because they knew no one would want to watch it if they told you it was a podcast from some faggot that deep fried his brain years ago

Hey Yas Forums, I baked you a Pie Messiah. But I guess you're not supposed to bake it, because it turned out pretty fucked up. I'll just let it levitate here for you.

>everyone who didn't like it are just contrarians
I've seen plenty of reasons that people didn't like this shit.

Jesus Christ you again?
They didn’t hide that this was a podcast with visuals. How are you so endlessly bitter over your own expectations being based on just seeing Ward’s name and thinking it’d be the new Adventure Time?

>They didn’t hide that this was a podcast
Show me a netflix trailer that gave any indication this was a podcast.
Go. Fly.

>in b4 he posts clip of Clancy in-character saying "I'M GONNA MAKE A PODCAST AND MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS AND SUCK MY DICK" as if a character making a podcast as a plot point on a show is the same as the show being nothing but an animated podcast because user is a disingenuous bag of cunts

Cry harder fag. Even if I'm interested in a show from a trailer, I'll look up a quick synopsis. Because I understand that trailers can be deceptive. And don't fucking talk about Duncan that way, you don't know shit about him.

>don't fucking talk about Duncan that way, you don't know shit about him
I know enough to call him a retarded junkie

Duncan is a pseudo intellectual and his show is shit

Grow up

do you even know where you are?

Go back to fucking bed, Duncan
Maybe Joey can tell you a story about the old country

so this was just some rich kids vanity project?

Who the fuck is Duncan Trussel
According to IMDB the only thing he's been in besides a single episode of Curb is Joe Rogan comedy circle podcasts

Not really a vanity project, seems like Penn was just a fan of a podcast and wanted to animate it and Netflix decided they could trick people into giving it day 1 views by misadvertising it.

I don't think anyone would give a shit if it were up front that it's a new age spiritualist podcast.