Do you ship it?
I ship it.
Do you ship it?
I ship it.
is she pooping in his shoe?
Jesus fuck can we please get back to plot progressing? If I see another flashback even attempted I'm gonna off myself.
fuck off, I've been waiting years for this relationship to move forward
Maybe if Ana didn't take a shit in Nary's shoes, maybe he wouldn't have made prostitution her only available job
>I-It's not like I think you're cute or anything. Baka!
Is Ana older than Knock? Seems like Ana was possibly a bad influence, but I guess Sharteshane is short on good ones. Before I read anything on this page or took a good look, I thought little Ana was Sette. Intentional I guess. Sette's what Ana wishes she was.
I'm glad someone finally said something nice about Elka
no, you will get poop in shoe for the rest of your life.
Guess her plans failed cause she is a whore. Honestly Knock and Ana deserve to brutally die
Growing up in the Moby Dick biome definitely railroads you into the rogue class in most cases
>ywn have a friendship with someone so strong they'll hold your hand while you take a shit in your uncle's shoes
I have to take the other characters' words on the whole "Elka is ugly" thing, because among the Crescians I find her one of the most attractive aside from the ones intentionally designed to be moe.
I don't think it's a matter of ugliness, but more of how mannish she acts. She doesn't act feminine at all, she gets shit on for it, and has decided that means she's ugly.
Toma > Hetr
Ana: Uncle nary can I be a wright instead of a whore
Nary:remember that time you shit in my boots
Nary: I do
bullshit knock and ana did nothing wrong
Really goes without saying, but can never be said too much.
Don't mind them, some anons just can't get through the day without being edgy bitches
If you believe that then boy do I have a cart of silver to sell you
I'd actually forgotten how obvious a flag this conversation was. Hetr has no real justification for bring this up other than to try and fuck with Elka in a really petty way.
Hetr was always a villain hiding in plain sight.
Ana has done SEVERAL things wrong by this point, user. Knock is best girl, though.
Knock does admit Ana's a bitch. I don't think she holds any illusions about her. A bestie is a bestie though.
You're going to need to clarify. If it's Elka and Toma, yes. If it's Knock and Ana, also yes.
>I thought little Ana was Sette.
Same. Looking closer the hair's a bit different, but if it wasn't for the lack of a tail, I'd just assume Knock and Sette were having a go at their Da.
Obviously he means Knock and Toma
>Knock really likes Sette
>it's because she reminds her of what a brat Ana was
Kind of interesting that Anadyne looks so much like Sette. We assume, logically, that she's not naturally Nary's daughter because of all the weird shit that surrounds her: her tail, the fact that she's stopped aging, her connection to Ilganyag, etc.. But I guess she does have SOME biological link to the Frummagems. Nary hasn't ever implied that Sette came into the family in an unnatural way, has he?
Knock and Ana call each other cousin but they're basically sisters. That's forbidden.
Seeing baby Ana makes me wonder just how long Nary waited before turning her into a whore?
I guess there's the IF in "if she's mine, she'll be fine" (paraphrased) he says to Beadman when he tells Nary's it's impressive how cold it was that he basically sold off Sette for his new posting in Alderode
>. That's forbidden.
Shartes have no need for rules