Will you watch MCU movies post-Endgame?

Will you watch MCU movies post-Endgame?


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Yes, but I'll be more selective. I've already skipped Ant Man 2 and Captain Marvel.

Two 2 hour movies a year is not that bad.


those two were the best ones to skip out on, desu

ant man 2 fumbled the opportunity to be a comfy, low stakes movie, and when they tried do action, they blew the reveal of giant man in civil war with nothing else to prop it up. wasp is cool but not a tentpole character.

Only Carol's movies

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Maybe one or two but not religiously. Before Infinity War the last film I'd seen was Doctor Strange. Something about that film made me check out

Okay Carol fag chill

>skipping the best movie ever
you fucked up, user.

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yes. they're still the best comic book movies.

and if I must be selective for some reason, then I'll just stick to the MCU.

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Yes, because i want to have friends, but i'm honestly more hyped about spider-verse 2 and titants season 3

I have watched ZERO MCU movies.

owned idiots.

Pic not related, obviously

I stopped caring after the first avengers movie, only say ragnarok because it was a family activity for my nephews birthday. I honestly don't know why they're so popular

Pic very much related

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She has no ass, her tits are meh and she has a terrible personality.

so do you but she turns in a billion dollars right out of the gate.

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Why won't the Marvel Cringe Universe fucking end

I haven't watched a single MCU film ever

Birds of Prey is better than most of the MCU

1000 million, billion dollars.

The only one that seems interesting is the Doctor Strange one, other than that they all look like shit.

Dangerously based

Her movie would have flopped without Endgame hype

Goes to show that they care more about money than quality

500 trillion dollars, made more than anything you care about

>universally acclaimed as the best superhero movie ever
>led by the most talented actress working today along with samuel l. jackson
>b-but it would have flopped!

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Damn you got me

Coomers like you aren't allowed on Yas Forums
Stay mad incel seethe

>hyped about titans season 3

they wouldn't have that much money if the movies were bad, user.

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So you're saying the Transformers movies are great because they make so much money?

the tf movies made money through gen X pandering and 9/11 catharsis because the TF movies are the antithesis of pandering by good filmmaking AKA the MCU. Optimus Prime destroyed a middle east-looking backdrop and the Avengers destroyed New York

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They make money because they're big action spectacles that look great on the big screen